My daughter started her very first day of school today. I got to walk her in her classroom which was awesome, but she was crying so hard and holding on to my neck so tight that it broke my heart to leave. The teacher was just standing there when I left not even trying to get her to calm down. I hated leaving her. I cried so hard. Then every where else I went to try and keep my mind off of not being able to be with my baby, they were rude, so I do have a lot of bitch letters to write ha ha. Anyway I guess that is enough ranting for now, I get to go pick my baby up! Yay! Anyway whoever reads this I hope that you are having a better day than I have.
They took him off of life support at 5 p.m. on Monday, he passed away at 5:46..
I just got a phone call from my grandfather. The baby has taken a turn for the worse and they have made the decision to take him off the ventilator..Keep his parents in your thoughts because I can't imagine what they are going through. Thanks for reading.
Well first of all I am going to say that I am very fortunate to have a healthy child..My cousin had to have a c-section a week ago, due to low amniotic fluid..The baby is not doing well, he is on a ventilator right now..It is so pitiful..He weighs 5 lbs 6 oz...I went to see him on Saturday, he is absolutely beautiful, only while we were there his little lungs please everyone that reads this keep him in your thoughts and hope that he gets better. Thanks for reading.