Here is a message or poem that my Ozzy sent me the other day. I had my phone in my car because it was a state testing day for my class. He sent me this message in hopes that it would make my day a little brighter. How could it not make my day brighter?
I'm laying here
listening to the steady fall of the rain outside
the pitter patter of raindrops sound through the dimness of my room
they match the steady beating of my heart
it's a relaxing backdrop to loving thoughts of my truest love as they flow freely through my mind
funny thoughts...
sensual thoughts...
thoughts of every kind...
but the one that is most present is the thought of how much I love and miss you...
wishing you were my arms..
searching lips finding each other in the dimness
restless hearts being soothed by touching bodies and the closeness of each other
I love you and one day we will never be apart again
That is the sweetest thing that I have ever had anyone send or say to me.
I Love You my Ozzy!!
Ok, so here's a little poem that I wrote for my Ozzy the other day. I was on break from work and missing him tremendously. I wrote this poem for him just off the top of my head. He loved it and asked that I post it in my journal.
I wish for the hustle and bustle of the day to end
so that I may see your handsome face again
I long to see your bright smile
that makes me feel
I can go that extra mile.
I love the chance to hear your voice
and know that somehow...
for some unknown reason...
you love me for me
and I love and miss you
Who could not love that's truly wonderful..thank you dearest.
Very nice.. :)