WinterRaven's Journal

WinterRaven's Journal


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13 entries this month

Another Day, Another Dollar Spent

01:26 Jul 29 2011
Times Read: 563

So, yesterday I went to take care of some things for work. It began to get dark outside and I decided...wow, I should head home and try to beat the rain that is coming in. Well, as luck would have it, I was about half way home when the sky fell out and it started raining. Now, it didnt rain long, but it did rain hard. I did not know this particular street flooded and well, I ran into about 5 to 6 inches of standing water. Of course I turned around as soon as I could to get out of it but apparently it was too late. My car, luckily I have a second one to drive lol, is now making a knocking noise.

So, I called my boyfriend today and said..hey, so let's say I drove through some water that was too deep for my old car and although it didnt flood the car, it's now making a knocking noise. What would that mean? Needless to say, his response wasn't a good one. It could be water in the engine, a cracked block (whatever that is) or numerous other things. Im going to put it in the shop tomorrow and see what they say about it. If it can't be fixed, well that would suck, but I'd been trying to find time to go car shopping all summer and have procrastinated. I guess there is no need to put it off any longer. Regardless of what they tell me tomorrow about the car....LET THE CAR SHOPPING BEGIN!! :)



14:30 Jul 29 2011

ach, a new car is probably a good idea then. Good luck with the shopping!

19:55 Jul 29 2011

Good News!! No water damage. The dealership fixed it for

$56.00. LOL...it was just something loose and rattling. However, let the car shopping begin! hehe


Who I am

23:52 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 578

Let me start with the physical aspect...or some of them

5 foot 8

plus size

brown hair/green eyes

As for the type of person that I am....

a working middle class single parent

a person with few very TRUE friends (by choice)

a quiet person when in a group

an often naive person







Here's a list of what I'm not...




drama loving

stupid (although ignorant in some aspects lol...but who isn't honestly?)




This is what I know....

the world isnt perfect

earthly inhabitants arent perfect

there is crime and cruelty

unjust things happen everyday


at the end of the day, I am loved by

my daughters

my family

my friends

I do not need online to justify who I am or what I stand for. Online is for fun. I don't come online to create drama. However, I will not be intimidated by it or back down from it when confronted.



08:55 Jul 28 2011

I don't see how standing up for yourself can be creating drama, surely the drama is created by the person who attacks first...mmm? It's good that you aren't going to be intimidated by people, because you shouldn't be - no person here should expect to accuse you of stuff then expect you not to stand up for yourself (breaking ToS rules is the only exception of course to that).

and, this isn't about me taking sides either by the way. I have no earthly clue as to what you have been 'accused' of, nor wish to either. As far as I am concerned, me commenting in your journal is because I see you conducting yourself with maturity here, and to me, that is the kind of person I want to call a good friend.

Name-calling and silly squabbles about "he-said-she-said" type arguments are for people who have no inter-personal skills, and we are all too adult for that here, or should be anyhow. Besides, public arenas are no place for childish behaviour - that is for the school-yard.

01:14 Jul 29 2011

I agree Pagan and thank you for your outlook on things. Sometimes a new perspective on things helps...even if that perspective is based on what is read in journals. Your thoughts are always welcome and appreciated.



03:21 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 607

funny Im not in a coven am I?

**UMMM, it was already edited and corrected in my journal before you reposted it. But, again, thanks for sharing. LOL




Always good for a Laugh

02:35 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 639

I found the following journal entry about me and well, I wanted to share it for the humor value. I would like to start by saying that yes, I did block her. I was asked by her mentorship to please unblock her. I declined and explained why, who in turn got upset. I do have text archived and I assure you, its not been altered in the least.

I blocked this person because her profile was the first of 45 blocks against me. Now I was told that the profile was given away to another person and I have unjustly blocked her. If that is the case, time will tell it.

Now, please note the eloquent language this person who's journal Ive reposted has. I mean this is a person who's God and Goddess are proud of I'm sure. She speaks so well of those that she knows nothing of. pfft. I have not, in any way, made a derogatory remark or comment about her seeing as I do not know her. I explained my reasoning behind the block and even stated that in time it would be taken off. It's nice to see she has also taken the high road. Wow!!

Happy reading and enjoy her journal entry that follows. Oh, and by all means, please feel free to respond.

Hello :] winterraven thank you for the block

22:42:38 - Jul 25 2011

Times Read: 28

Hello and welcome to my strange and exciting world today we were going to take a trip to the land of the weird and strange. I will be your wonderful guide . My name is Lisa, I am new to this site and have made some new friends. Coolies upon coming on to this site I have my first block thank you winterraven I feel so blessed you have managed to make my day . don't know you or even know why you did it but I am happy to be blessed by your childish and rudeness hope you have a wonderful day and sorry I must be too pretty for you that you had to block me oops sorry . maybe you are one of those people who have to think about plastic surgery cause well you know big nose or sagging. OH sorry I am being rude but your ugliness and hatefulness to me will not be taken lightly. I don't know you and I don't want to know you. Rude and ugly people should be careful of what they do or say for someday it will return on them 3 fold . And that can be a very bad thing. My God and Goddess have a higher propose for me, and for that I will have to say FUCKING GROW UP NO ONE CARES. well I know I don't if computers could smack mine would smack the fucking ugly right out of you. I do not care who gets mad about this and I am sure you will attack me with your friend to low rate or block me to. OH well this is just a web site and well I am and always will be pretty what about you?

***EDIT TO ANSWER HER QUESTION: Your beauty MUST be on the outside. But here's a news flash hun...the beauty on the inside is what gets you through the afterlife and beyond!



03:09 Jul 27 2011

I have corrected the information I had posted in my journal that was incorrect. I do apologize to any readers that I may have had that read incorrectly stated information.

08:47 Jul 27 2011

LOL dunno about you but the way that person speaks sure does seem familiar as hell to me. Curious to hear your thoughts...eh. :)))

People are defined by how they use language. Socio-economic background, educational level, gender, and all these other demographics cannot be hidden easily. It would take a highly skilled person to maintain a disguise in how they communicate and this person can't thats for sure haha!

09:43 Jul 27 2011

"...Rude and ugly people should be careful of what they do or say for someday it will return on them 3 fold ...My God and Goddess have a higher propose for me, and for that I will have to say FUCKING GROW UP NO ONE CARES. well I know I don't if computers could smack mine would smack the fucking ugly right out of you..."

...and it would be terribly naive to think that the God and Goddess wouldn't return some sort of Karmic justice to this person for their rudeness, wouldn't it? LMAO!

Once again, I am proud to know you for your maturity, your refusal to let silly folk get you down, and your independent thought which this person seems to lack. Wonder who's pulling her strings eh? Damn sure karma will seek the puppet-master out too...


Another Voice of Greatness

22:52 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 660

I absolutely love Alanis Morisette. She is awesome.



22:58 Jul 23 2011

thats a brilliant song. I love her voice.

00:15 Jul 24 2011

me too

01:30 Jul 24 2011

good song..

02:47 Jul 27 2011

alanis is awesome...great song...

02:47 Jul 27 2011

alanis is awesome...great song...



13:58 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 668

I don't think I've ever been busier in my life and I love it!! I'm working part time tutoring kids, shopping with my kids for school supplies, school shoes, uniforms, etc.

I officially start back to work in two weeks and I so look forward to it. Of course, I haven't bought me any new clothes or shoes yet but that is on this upcoming weeks agenda. I also have hair appointments. My daughters are getting color added to their hair for the first time. One wants orange streaks and the other wants blond streaks. I agree...I mean it cant hurt to let them see what it looks like and eventually it washes out if they dont like it. I also have a ton of other things that are keeping me busy. Although it gets to be a bit overwhelming at times, especially when some of it has time limits, but Im loving it just the same.



14:47 Jul 23 2011

LOL I thought you had written torturing kids...!

Yeah, it's good to be busy but just remember to take five minutes for yourself every now and again too :)

22:28 Jul 23 2011

haha...torturing! Funny...but alas no torturing...just tutoring lol.

22:59 Jul 23 2011

hehehe it's my eyes, they ain't what they used to be LOL knew you wouldn't torture anyone anyway :P


Great Song

04:13 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 677

I was on youtube and listening to videos of old. I must say, I absolutely love Phil Collins. His voice is fantastic. I love this song the most out of all of his.



10:52 Jul 16 2011

Great track ;-)


Summer is almost over!

01:39 Jul 15 2011
Times Read: 684

............................ I'm so glad that summer is almost over for me. I have already started back to work at leas part time to make a lil extra money. However, in three weeks, school will start and I can't wait to be back at work. I enjoy kinda having my summers off but teaching is such a joy. In the next few weeks, I will be buying new clothes, shoes, accessories, etc for me and the kids. Im happy happy.



01:03 Jul 16 2011

Lol...I can't stand summer. Goodbye sun burns and my freaking scottish freckles. Uuugh. lol. I'm more of Fall and Winter Gal. :)


Great People

22:42 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 693

I would like to give thanks to the person that was kind enough to buy me a premium membership. He is not someone that I know yet in VR, but he is apparently a very awesome guy to do such a thing. It is hard to express in words how much it is appreciated, but I hope he knows that it truly is. Thank You!!




Some People

22:51 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 754


Ya know, I so don't care for drama. I left the coven, even if it was forced by lies. I found a new coven full of great people that I respect and have fun with. Believe it or not, I don't come on VR to talk crap about you or anyone else. I come on and enjoy my time with friends...real friends. Friends that chose not to turn their back on me based on lies. I know that has to make you mad but so be it, that is your beast to bare not mine. To insinuate that I spend my time talking about you or thinking about you would insinuate that I care about you...and trust me, I sooooooooo don't.

Now, for you or someone associated with you to create a total of 44 fake profiles and and block me so that I am penalized by almost 3 levels, thereby preventing me making Sire was an ingenius idea. Sure, I was a tad upset at first but you know what..in hindsight, Im kinda flattered. I mean, that had to take some serious time on your part. Im rather impressed that you took so much time out of your oh so hectic day and focused on me. Unfortunately, I shall not be returning the favor. I have friends and a coven...and oh yeah, a life outside of VR so that I need not focus so much on the trivialness of you and yours.

In case you missed it, THANK YOU for spending so much of your time thinking of me today. I appreciate it tons. I look forward to more attempts to keep me from making Sire or trying to turn more friends from me. *bows and heads out* BTW, you can deny it, dispute it, turn it on me again, and hey, you can by all means continue to feign innocence. Its not me you answer to or pay karma to.



23:02 Jul 11 2011

That's kinda funny lol :p

23:02 Jul 11 2011


you know what? I love your spirit! You can't keep a good girl down, not for long. YAY!

I am so sorry you had a horrible amount of blocks, but you know yourself, it's not your level on this site that makes you a good person to know, it's your obvious maturity, your refusal to get dragged into petty crap, and your ability to keep at it, no matter the bullying that has gone on.

I'm in your corner if you need to giggle or even holler some.

Great journal, I wish there were many more like you. Instead we have folk who claim innocence and sweetness, when in reality, if they have to shout it from the very rooftops, it is seen as self-inflated egotistical crap spewing out of the mouths of...well...lets just leave it at that.

You done good girl! I'm proud to call you a friend x

23:24 Jul 11 2011

Yeah, what Sulks said LOL

Great to see you take all this in your stride. Thats exactly why we are friends, proper friends.

I'd give you my levels if I could, but you don't really need them, you're way up there already, a great sire. :)



22:13 Jul 06 2011
Times Read: 769

Waiting patiently for the day the truth either sets one free or condemns one for life.



06:53 Jul 07 2011

The truth is so hard to come by sometimes, you just might be waiting a while LOL


02:06 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 782

It takes me a while cause I like to investigate things and not just jump to assumptions. But..I know from where and who the lies came. Tsk tsk tsk.





02:02 Jul 01 2011
Times Read: 642

Ok, Ive had the busiest week ever! It's supposed to be summer vacation for me....yeah right. I took a 3 week class that just ended, Ive been having meetings with my principal and working on things, dealing with my grandmother in the hospital, making sure my two kids enjoy their summer, trying to buy a new car, and in less than two weeks, I'm teaching a group of incoming 4th graders. What happened to a teacher enjoying their summer? Most people think teachers have the best job cause we only "work" 9 months out of the year. THat is sooooooooooo not true. We spend our summers working just like everyone else.



14:58 Jul 01 2011


You need a break after all that LOL

Hope grandmother continues to get well :D

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