WinterRaven's Journal

WinterRaven's Journal


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7 entries this month

Top Ten List of Ozmanitis

00:45 Feb 24 2012
Times Read: 514

10. He makes me smile

9. He makes me laugh

8. He made a great impression on my kids

7. He's a lot of fun

6. He's a complete gentleman

5. He's kind and compassionate

4. He holds my heart in his hands

3. Oh yeah...did I mention a great lover?

2. He's my soul mate

1. His eyes are mesmorizing

Now, before someone comments or thinks something of the order, they aren't in any particular order. It's simply a list of 10 things that I love about him. Who knows, I may continue the list from 11 - 20 tomorrow.




Another Entry about my Ozzy

00:39 Feb 24 2012
Times Read: 515

Today was the day that the one true love of my life returned home. I so enjoyed him being here to visit with me for the past week. We had so much together and we just mesh so well. I have found my soul mate.

We went out to eat and had poboys

We made love

We watched tv

We made love again and again

We went bowling

We played Dungeons and Dragons

We went to New Orleans Mardi Gras

We made love

We spent alone time together

We went to Kenner

We went to a comic book store

We watched a Yu-Ghi-Oh game in progress

We made love again (LOL)

We ate at IHOP this morning

We made love again

There are many more things we did during his week here with me but those were the ones that stood out the most. He is the most awesome boyfriend and lover that I have ever had. Our week together was heavenly and yes ladies....he is still taken and shall be from this day on. He is the holder of my heart and soul.

I love you my Ozzy!!




Mardi Gras

03:38 Feb 22 2012
Times Read: 522

Ozzy and I spent Monday in New Orleans enjoying Mardi Gras. We bought masks, caught beads, got a boa, took pictures, walked Jackson Square and lots more things. I enjoyed the day with him more than any words that I could put down on paper could explain.

This morning, (Tuesday) we ate Beignets at Rue Beignets in Baton Rouge simply because the line was too long at Cafe Du Monde in N.O. the day before. We went to Kenner and hung out a bit and spent the entire day together.

No matter how much time I spend with him, I still can't seem to have enough. I miss him everytime we are apart. I know he and I were meant to be together no matter what the world brings our way.



13:28 Feb 22 2012

I can't believe you forgot to mention how we were conned out of $40 by the shoe shine guy..the violin playing werewolf..or even the girl that had the painted on top. LOL

I love Mardi Gras

00:33 Feb 23 2012

haha. Those things were awesome. The living statue, the werewolf actually howled (and it sounded very real) when he was tipped. As we were leaving, we passed a woman wearing a pink tutu and well...that was it! Her top half was painted and covered with stars lol.

Ozzy tried to go gambling but they wouldnt let my daughter in with us so..shrugs. We took pictures by the water with the steamboats.

A guy stops us on the levee and says I bet I can guess where you got your shoes. If im wrong you dont pay me but if Im right, you gotta pay for the shoe shine. Sooooo, we took him up on it. Guess what he said...Your shoes are on your feet!! ONe on your left and one on your right! So we got a cockamamie shoe shine and lost $40 bucks!! haha

It was a great experience with my love.


A Trip Finally Enjoyed

18:40 Feb 18 2012
Times Read: 531

my Ozzy made it into town last night around 7 pm. We went out to eat and ate some fantastic poboys. Afterwards, we talked and hung out and all I can say is....WOW!

OMG! WOW! He is awesomeness and I love him tons and tons. Sorry ladies, he is now officially taken (he was taken before but now hes mine for keeps.)

I love you my Ozzy!



04:32 Feb 19 2012

(he was taken before but now hes mine for keeps.)

For keeps?...what was I before? LOL

Love you darling


Valentine's Day

01:57 Feb 15 2012
Times Read: 542

Today is a day that I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed. Let's face it, to those who are single on a day where it is truly all about love, it's not the best day. I also think that Valentine's Day is way too commercialized. Yes, I know. All holidays now are commercialized to the extreme.

Here is how my Valentine's Day went. It may not seem like much to most people, but to me it couldn't have been anymore perfect.

I get a text from my Ozzy, the truest love of my life at 7:00 reminding me that in 3 days we will be together and in each others arms. For the next hour, we texted back and forth (things that need not be shared btw).

At 8:00, when my day at work officially starts, his last text to me (for a while) is that He loves me. We text periodically throughout the day.

Then around 12:30, he tells me he sent me something for Valentine's Day on VR and I tell him I can't wait to see it. Unfortunately, I can't access VR from work.

I know my Ozzy and I know he would have loved to have been able to send me a gift of real flowers or some other token of his love for me to work. But to me, just having him in my life and having his love is all that I need. Flowers are nice to have but they aren't a necessary part of showing someone that you love them. I told my love this and it is something that I mean from the very bottom of my heart.

Around 2:00, he sends me virtual flowers via my phone. Now, to me thats a great thing. It took thought and it was from the heart and it didn't cost him a dime to do. It's also a picture that I can save and cherish for years and years knowing that it was given to me by my soul mate on our first of many Valentines Days together.

We continued to text each other periodically throughout the day until I finally left work at 5:30. We then talked on the phone for an hour while I fought traffic the entire drive home.

Now I am home and all settled in with the soul mate that God has seen fit to send into my life. It has truly been the greatest Valentine's Day of my life and I want him to know just how much I love and appreciate him not just this day, but everyday.

A coworker of mine got the hugest bouquet of flowers delivered to her today and she was so proud and bragged about them most of the day. But, when I asked her if she had talked to him today, she replied with no. He was at home resting from working late the night before. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. But, I think my day was just as rewarding as hers. I texted and spoke with and spent time with the man that holds not just the key to my heart...but my heart itself.

It's not about material things on Valentine's Day like candy and flowers or a fancy dinner. It shouldn't take Valentine's Day to make a person want to do those things for the one that they love. Love is shown without conditions or restrictions everyday. I experience it more everyday that I am with Ozzy. Today is about knowing that in this world, there is a person that God has blessed you with to have in your life. Cherish that person everyday...not just on Valentine's Day.


with all my




and soul

There will never be a day where I want to live without you in it. I hope this message to you expresses that to you. You are truly the holder of my heart and my very being.



04:24 Feb 15 2012

Thank you darling, I will forever cherish the wonderful gift that is you.


12 days left!!

00:14 Feb 06 2012
Times Read: 547

We are now down to 12 days and counting before the true love of my life is here! This will be the absolute best Mardi Gras ever because I'm spending it with my Ozzy!

Have fun tonight my heart and know that I love you tons!!




16 days and counting..

03:14 Feb 02 2012
Times Read: 558

OMG! OMG! When I wake up in the morning, There will be only 16 days till the one and only true love of my love comes to visit. The best part is...He's staying for a week! There is so much we are going to do, including Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

I have never looked forward to something more in my entire life. He is what I have spent my whole life searching for.

I love you my Ozzy and each day brings us closer and closer together in all ways!



09:16 Feb 02 2012

Not sure what I'm looking forward to more..Mardi Gras..or you. LOL

Just kidding darling, It's you..always you.

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