I have twin teenage daughters. They are polar opposites of each other. One is as polite, kind, and helpful as can be. The other has turned into a teenager from hell. She is rude, everything she is asked to do is a HUGE deal and a fight. Ive punished her from her phone, from the computer, from going to friends house, and everything else I can imagine. Nothing seems to work. I don't remember being a pain like that when I was a teenager. What is it? Hormones? Peer pressure? I sure wish I knew how to understand whats going on with her. I tend to leave her alone just because its not worth the attitude that I get from her.
My six year old niece has come to live with us. Shes been with us about two weeks now. It's not a bad thing, shes a wonderful child and so far very well behaved for the most part. However, she was sick with a cold. She passed the cold to one of my kids, who in turn, was nice enough to pass it to me. I, in turn, of course thought that I had passed it on to my other child. I took her to the doctor and they say it's the stomach flu. But the next day she was fine except for stomach pain. So, I take her to my regular doctor who finds out that she has appendicitus. Needless to say, she was taken to the ER at 5:00. They didnt start the surgery till 10 pm and finished shortly before midnight. Thankfully, everything went well and she is now at home recovering. She does have a drain in until Monday but I must say...shes taking it like a trooper.
05:54 Dec 08 2010
Wish I could help, I know what my parents did to me when I caught a 'tude with them - I was grounded not only from my friends but going out with dates, and threatened with military school, and I even got my mouth smacked a few times, which I don't condone, but hey I survived it and even managed to straighten up and never got into any trouble with the law. Might want to seek help from a councilor. I also hope I was not so bad...You do realize, lol, that all mom's put that curse on you...you know the one..."When you have kids I hope they act 10 times worse than what you put me through.." And that curse works.
06:36 Dec 08 2010
ahh teens...they sometimes act like demons and girls are generally worse than boys. Apart from what you are doing, there is really nothing else you can do except weather the storm. It will pass. Not many awful teens continue like that into adulthood so its just a matter of leaving them to it and keep them safe til they begin to act maturely again :)
14:45 Dec 08 2010
All good advice , Maybe you could sit her down and talk to her quietly and let her know how the way she is acting hurts you and upsets you and the 3 of you are all you have and if you must endure the treatment she is to keep heaping on you then you do have the right to know why and what you did to deserve it and how long it is to last.( you know make her feel Guilty)