WinterRaven's Journal

WinterRaven's Journal


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6 entries this month


03:26 Aug 23 2010
Times Read: 619

One thing I have always done in my life is to be honest with people. If I do something wrong, I admit it. Hell, Im grown. What's gonna happen to me? Am I gonna get in trouble with my mommy and daddy? Is the boyfriend that I don't have gonna break up with me? pffft. Another thing about me...whether it's good or bad...is that I'm always honest with people. If I like you then we are friends for life. However, If for some reason, I don't like you, I'm absolutely refuse to fake it for any reason. I can work with you and be respectful, I can pass you in the hall and greet you politely. But, what in the world would make a person think that just because it's the start of a new year, or a special celebration, that we are suddenly friends? If I didnt like you yesterday, its a pretty safe bet that I wont like you tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. For that matter, even next year.

Anyway, my rant tonight is this: dont be the person that asks for favors when it suits you. Dont be that person that is one way to your face yet another behind your back. Dont speak words to another person that you know are untrue. That doesnt mean be go out of your way to be a jerk but at least be honest with yourself.

If you dont like someone, dont kiss up just cause you need something. I have no clue why people do that. As for me, I dont need, want, or desire such people around me. Ive dealt with enough crap to last me five lifetimes. If you wish to get to know me, awesome. If not, go fake it somewhere else.



07:31 Aug 23 2010

well said Winter, i couldnt agree more


Kittens and Computers

04:18 Aug 19 2010
Times Read: 641

ok, so I come home from work last week to find out that my loveable kittens, Remington and Chester, has knocked one of my antique jars out of the windowsill and onto my computer's cpu and it wont turn on. Of course the jar was broken. I unplugged it thinking that might help it work. It didnt. I finally get around to taking it to the computer repair shop yesterday. When I take it in, the guy asks me whats wrong with it. Sooooooooooo of course I share my story with him about nosey ass kittens and their mischeivous ways. He laughs and says..."Hmm, well I dont think a jar hitting it would cause it to stop working." I was like ..."well, it was working just fine before then cause my daughter lives on that computer."

He hooks it up....nothing happens. So he then opens it up. What is found inside? Pieces of glass from the jar and something was wrong with the motherboard (whatever that is). Hes like, yeah this computer cant be fixed cause of this and this and this (all I heard was blah, blah, blah, cause im computer stupid).

I was like...dude, this computer isnt even a year old yet. Its not lived a long and happy life like a computer should lol. He laughs and says...well, its a dead computer now. Sooooooooooo needless to say, I had to go ahead and buy a new computer. Dang kitties are costing me money!!! But I do have to admit, they are the cutest lil kitties ever so what can ya do but love em...and oh yeah, not put things in the window sill that might hard a computer lol.



05:15 Aug 19 2010

Well it might hurt the computer , don't know about Harding it but hurt it yeah,and besides the kitties wanted a new computer anyway.


My First Day Back at Work

01:47 Aug 12 2010
Times Read: 648

Today was my first day back at work. I was nervous, anxious, excited, and worried all at the same time. One never knows what a new school year will bring. After being stressed yesterday worrying with everyone else and their needs, I got to work at 6:40 this morning and by 8:00 I was ready for whatever the day brought to me. I greeted my 25 students and their parents with a smile. I got to know about their summer and what they would like to see happen this year for them. One child that I taught last year went to Vietnam to visit her grandmother. She brought me back some vietnamese gum, a beautiful fan, and some lovely postcards. It was great that she thought of me during her summer. I gave her a huge hug. It made my day. Then, the entire school wrote their goals on balloons and released them outside. It was a beautiful sight and the kids were excited.

My kids were awesome today. They behaved beautifully and at the end of the day, I felt great about how things went. I cant wait to go back tomorrow for another day with my new class and see what happens.





04:09 Aug 11 2010
Times Read: 652

Ok, so I feel the need to rant without ranting to people.

Yesterday, I had to present information to about 50 people at a meeting. I had a powerpoint made, handouts, took questions, explained things in great detail. When it was all said and done, everyone was happy. I answered all questions posed to me and even, being the person that I am, made their life just a lil bit easier by cutting down on their work load.

Today, I go to work and I'm bombarded by a boss that needs this, another boss that needs that, coworkers that need something else. I spent 8 hours at work running around doing the job that grown people should be able to do themselves. At 4:00, when I finally sit down and assess things, I realize that I have done nothing for me! I even, for some unknown reason, volunteered to bring work home for other people and do it for them!!

I know what my problem is...I have the hardest time saying no to someone. I dont like to be mean or even confrontational. Id rather just put the extra work on myself rather than tell someone no. I cant do that. Now I'm stressed about tomorrow cause my work isn't completely ready but ya know what...everyone elses is done. I'm so frustrated that I just dont know what to do. Sometimes, I wish I could just tell people...in a nice way...NO. I keep hoping people will just take a hint but I should know by now, that just doesnt happen. I must be the worlds biggest pushover.




An Interesting Night

21:42 Aug 05 2010
Times Read: 665

Last night at about 11:30, my 4 cats went absolutely crazy. Of course, everyone in my house was sound asleep but with 4 cats trying to climb the walls and jumping all over the place, everyone was woken up. I got up, turned on a light and see something flying around inside my house. At first I thought it was just some kind of bug but then I realized it was too big. So I thought ok..its just a bird that got inside when the kids let the dog in. But wait..its too small to be a bird and its zooming around my house so fast that I can't tell what it is. Eventually, it lands on my kitchen ceiling and I go up to it..with a flyswat in hand of course lol and scream loud enough to wake the dead. What was it? A bat!! Not a full grown one but a small baby bat. How the hell it got into my house, I have no clue. I traded the flyswat for a broom and tried to hit it. I didnt want to kill it but perhaps just stun it. I tried...I missed lol. It flew off and landed above a living room window. I hit it softly and it fell to the floor where I put it in a caontainer till my nerves calmed down. Then I released it back outside..after my daughters got through looking at it in complete awe. They even broke out the camera and took pictures of it.

Then, when Im ready to go back to bed, my daughters want me to look it up online to see what kind it was. Which, of course, I did. It turns out that it what is called a big brown bat but it was a baby one between a month and six weeks old. It was a very interesting experience to say the least. I didnt even know that there were bats where I live but of course, seeing as how I live in the country, I should have known I suppose.



23:01 Aug 05 2010

LOL , you,ll never know what might happen ,

16:03 Aug 08 2010

Wow. You safe the Son of Dracula, he love to go to Vampires members of VR. LOL. Next time, Video tape the whole situation and you will be famous. Thanks for the story.


Leveling up

06:11 Aug 04 2010
Times Read: 668

ya know...Im here everyday in VR and Lord knows I try...but sometimes it just seems like Im making no progress at all. I can stay at the same level for weeks and barely move up at all. I wonder if its because im on crappy ole dial up internet currently. Could that be it? I see people all around me leveling up, making Sire, earning tons of favor....and then theres me. I dont so much get frustrated with it, I just dont understand it I guess. Oh well, Im guessing its been long enough that one day Ill log in and BAM...all of a sudden Ive moved up another level lol. Guess its just one of those great (haha) unsolved mysteries huh? Nahhhh not really. When I get cable internet, perhaps things will move a lil quicker on here for me...least I hope so. Oh well, I guess thats my grip of the day. LOL

Catch ya on the other side.



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