Ok, so since when does something online become so real to some people that they have lost all compassion, caring, or empathy for another living being?
WHY take something that happened online between two people that are just passing acquaintances and bring real life events into it?
To talk about a person that is going through things that they have absolutely no control over, things that, for the Grace of God, could happen to anyone and trash that person shows a complete and utter ignorance along with shallowness, immaturity, lack of empathy....and the list could go on and on.
Now, I wont call names here because I think that person knows to what Im referring to. However, if you arent sure....rest assured that I will have no issue at all with calling you out in front of VR. For you will find that the person you chose to trash talk about...has far more friends and family on this site than you give them credit for. He has a family, friends, a coven, and people that will stick up for him, support him, love him, and yes...even fight for him.
Find someone else to play with. This is DEFINATELY a battle that you CANNOT win.
I finally did it. It took me a year and 4 months but I did it. I made Sire. Yahhhhhhhhhhh
Congrats on that!!And welcome to the Sire's club.
woot-woot! YAY! congratulations for that :D
Congratulations hun
Yesssssssssss!! I am officially off of work for the next 10 days. I don't go back until May 2!! Then, there are only 17 days left before I get to enjoy the summer!! whoooo hoooooooo
Nope, nope , not gonna happen you gots kids and Elderly to tend
I hope that you have a great break from work!
Go wild!!! :P
Very well done ... now breath!!
After being in bed the entire Sunday with a fever of almost 103, I got up this morning and went to work (still with a fever) to give the LEAP test to my class of 4th graders. Afterwards, my principal comes up to me, puts his hand on my forehead, and says...."No way you are still here! Go Home!" To which I reply..."pffft Im not going home." His reply is...."Here, let me help you." He then preceeds to go get my niece from kindergarten and brings her to me and says go to the dr. I wanna know what is wrong with you! haha.
Needless to say, I went to the dr. I have a horrid sinus infection and bronchitus and they seem to think the onset of the flu. OUCH! Apparently, when I get sick, I do it up right!! haha
Now, I have antibiotics and Im in bed resting again. Thankfully the shot they gave me has helped me to feel better cause I still have three days of LEAP testing left this week!! ughhhhh
I wonder when I will learn my lesson. I must truly be the most gulliable, naive person to ever exist. Why do I continue to try? to care? to ponder? Perhaps, I am not meant to be here in VR where there are constant things to remind me and bring down my spirit. Perhaps, it is the fever talking and tomorrow the sun will shine on me and rejuvenate all that I am.
hey tomorrow will be better :D
hun , you know the ones that count love you and care , to hell with the rest.
Vision made me a protection stamp based on the Goddess Asteria. It's awesome, I love it.
I'll add it to my journal soon as I figure out how! haha
Well, my 20 year high school reunion is tonight. I debated whether to go or not most of the day. What was my decision? Well, it started at 7 pm tonight, I got there about 7:15 and was back home at 8:45. I wasn't impressed. It was just a collection of the popular kids in high school getting together for some drinking and remembering times of old. I didnt associate with most of them then and surely didnt enjoy associating with them tonight either. I did however, touch base with a few long lost friends and for that I am grateful. It was nice to mee the few true friends again that I once had and see how their life has turned out.
04:26 Apr 30 2011
way to go winter now lets see what happens when this person finds out just how much friends and family one has :)~
05:09 Apr 30 2011
If they are messing with my cousin, then that would not be the best thing to do.
And congrats on making sire, by the way.