WindigoWitch's Journal

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freddy kroger and a kill fuck

01:02 Sep 05 2010
Times Read: 574

he enters the boiler room his knifed hand dragging arcoss the rusted metal. loud shreaking edmits in the air , his victim , his child knows her fate. you can run , you can fight but one day you will be freddys child.

he walks towards the chians and see's her tied to a chair, looking more angered then scared, shreaking in rage that she can not get away from the bonds of the chair.

it amuses him , that he does not see fear in her eyes. he walks closer giving a cackle hoping to scare her. she stops strugging in the chair and looks up at him. she looks at him with something differnt then he could ever expcet or think " lust " she looks at him with lust.

"awww looks like i have a new pice of meat to play with " sliding his knifed index finger down her check slighty cutting her . still no fear in her eyes.

" awww looks like i am a pice of meat for you to play with , but the question is how do you plan to play with me? quick and painless or long and dull with no creativity at all to it? " she asks him with just a tade of scarcasm in her voice.

he leans down inches from her, alowing her to get a good look at his burnet rotted face. She stares him in the face not breaking eye contact not showing fear. anger starts to build him .

he is a nightmare on to elm street, a demon not able to be killed, and here this whore sits looking at him like he is dinner.

" watch your toung with me meat " he says reatching forward cupping her chin pulling her forward just a wisper that seprates them. squezing hard wanting to hear her cry for mercy.

" do what you want, i had a pretty good run. " she laughs at him moving forward and kissing him on his burnet lips, taking a second to nibble on his lower lip, pulling back and luaghing more at the look of pure rage and shock on his face.

" you think you can play with meat, i know the the perfect way to kill you , i see the lust in your eyes, i'll just fuck you in ways that will make you cry for death. '

the bonds holding her down in the chair sudenly drop to the floor , before she can run he reachs forwad and grabds her up by the front of her shirt leaning forward to latch on to her neck, sucking so hard blood begins to come forward.

his hand inching up her shirt cuping the genrous swell of her breast squeazing it hardly making sure she knows who runs this show. his hand slowing coming back out of her shirt to only take the bottom and lifting it up so his toung could play with her flawless stomach, teasing her navel slightly enjoying it as she shudders from fear or lust he does not no or care.

he tries to rember the last time he had been with a woman dead or alive. its hard to say. but it does not matter .

in a instant they are on a pile of dead rotting boddies, he pulls her down down taking his clawed hand using them to slice away her cloths and to cut her skin adding to his building lust to see her scream in fear.

" bend over for freedy " he says reaching for her hair taking a tight grip of her long silk red hair.

" aww you gonna spank me, how original " she sneres, as he cloths vanish instantly and to her horror she see the true him burnt to a crips, a grensih ozzing coming from spots, skin falling off. she is so stunned she can speaks , making freddy laugh even more.

pushing her in to a bent over style he gets be hind her and starts to shove two of his claws up her flods moving then savilgy hard . while he pulls her head back reach forwad to lick the tears off her check as his claws continue to move inside of her. blood and small pices of fleash start to fall to the floor. he leans back and laughs, seeing her cocky ness is gone but still enjoy himself as well.

she chokes back on a sob, chocked by the smells of the decaying bodys all around. she trys to moves forwad but cant her hands and knees start to sink into the bodies around her. trying to block out his cackle while he licks her flesh and says " death my fravorite scent "

he pulls he claws from her , bring them to his lips to lick the blood off of them. enjoying the whimper of pain coming from her.

pulling her bleeding rump in the air positing him self behind her he rubs the tip of his cock up and down her her bleading youth, enjoying that she fights the pleasure her giving her. he starts to eas him self in her, slight then with a sudden hard thrust he is in her moving in and out reaching forward with his clawed hand squeezing her left nipple till blood starts to drip down his hand dripping on the the dead bed.

the move he moves inside of her, she starts to forget the pain he is causing and only focuss on the cock moving her, the sting of the ass, closing her eyes she pictures the nighbors large black dog she would some times play with when they would leave town. how he would mount her from behind quick and fast , the way she had always liked it.

he stops moving in her , pulls out his blooded cock, and moves in front of her taking her head in his hands pulling her mouth down on his burnt cock, he resuses at first and he laughs enjoying her horror knowing she saw his brint prick with skin scabbing on it, as he pushes it in and out of her mouth.

after a few moments she she starts sucking on it trying not to gage on the skin that goes down her throat, " thats it meat suck my burnt cock, suck it for freddy " he laughs

he starts to cum in her mouth bitter ozzing stuff going down her throat, she is unable to move away, she can only swallow the death that goes down her throat. just as he finshs his claw hand come and slights her throat, he still thrusts as she fights to stop the bleading laughing at her attemps.

soon she stops moving and slumps, he pulls himself from her smiles " a new hole to fuck" and he cackles



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