WindigoWitch's Journal

WindigoWitch's Journal


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11 entries this month

18:55 Apr 28 2023
Times Read: 142

book collections i found a seriers i have started to read. the disney villians i really like the twist plots on them. i am thinking of creating a role play chracter based off of the seriers to see how to push my rp skills . im all ready working on some right now and need to post them . the last few days i have been working on my writting then crossing it off i was not happy with how it came . i say it alot in places i am so happy for my new life. monday i go to the collage and speak to them about taking classes i am very nervous i want to have a degree and really do something and i think creative writting is the best place for me. i need to work on my spelling yes but i have so many ideas i no i can do this. and im so proud of my weight loss journay i have run into so many people who have said how good i look




18:51 Apr 26 2023
Times Read: 159

some times writting a role play bio is much work but i love the story it creates




04:36 Apr 26 2023
Times Read: 170

i really am loving my new tarot decks. im happy with how my writing is coming along




nice people

15:44 Apr 25 2023
Times Read: 187

i have meet some very nice people on here. i no there was some drama when i came back but that bing cleared up i am just so happy i really did miss it here




New tarot decks

21:48 Apr 21 2023
Times Read: 206

had a really nice time at the used book store. found some brand new tarot decks for my collection. nightmare before christmas tarot deck that comes with a bag,cloths book, and journal. then the disney villains with book. and last but not least vlad dracula tarot deck with book. all were a little picey but i am super happy




queen nico rp bio

02:37 Apr 09 2023
Times Read: 285

Queen Nico
Age 2000 at last count
Species Vamp Mosquito as well as wendigo
Birth place devils garden in third pit of hell

Nico is carefree and easy going, but when pushed she will show her claws and go for the throat. Helps run her mates kingdom. She is the first queen. She has two daughters Solis and Tora who she loves dearly and would kill anyone who hurt them. Some of her favorite things to do is sew, she has a healing garden with plants from all around the realms and then some. She believes in being a kind loving queen but will be hard when needs to be.

She is a skilled fighter , when she fights she likes to think outside the box . She has no issue using claws and teeth to make a deadly hit , she is also in favor of using bow and arrows as well as a Kilij gifted to her by the great Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. She trained under Suleyman's Pasa ibriahm who taught her many strategies in battle. She has no care for life if it comes to a battle and will not back down.
[8:38 PM]
During the time she was at Suleyman’s Ottoman Empire she had a brief affair with him and his Sultan Hurrem who she both loved dearly, it saddened her when each passed. She spent many years watching over each of their descendants making sure they were guided and kind but cunning rulers. Till the 1800 hundreds when she went to america there she spent many years helping with the underground railroad , where she meet and feel in love with Marie Laveau they had many years where they spent time and energy studying the paranormal Nico showed her many creatures that were out there and showed her many kinds of magic, she at one point offered to turn her but the queen of voodoo turned her down wishing people to remember her. With a heavy heart when she died Nico wandered back to the other realms till she met and fell in love with Astrid , their love was deep and wild. Both of them from their long lives wandered for many years till astrid built her kingdom with the help of her second love Mox who Nico adores and would fight for,

During her many years of life found the most inflation time to have happened to her when she witnessed the first convicted witches in 1563 was a horrifying time for her. Having seen many innocent people killed and tortured for silly reasons to be accused of being a witch . This was one of the only times in her long life she truly felt fear to the point she had to hide and glamor herself so she would not be discovered by the church. She tried to help as many people as she could, having lived so long she had a great amount of wealth she kept and would use it to send people to other countries .
[8:38 PM]
A second thing that almost broke Nico was during world war two where she worked as a nurse since throughout time she had healed many people and had a thirst for knowledge she helped a doctor who was named Sir Nicholas winton she helped smuggle at least 45 children out of the 669 children he saved from death camps , even though she was mated to astrid she always would check on the children she helped. Also during this time she made sport of hunting people who were nazis killing them and eating them for the things they had done.
[8:38 PM]
These two times in her life made her realize that life was given and life was taken. From these things she used it to better herself even though she traveled for many years alone taking time with lovers she had a hard time being fully around humans as she had to watch them grow old and after so many years she just could no longer handle watching so many she loved die and be buried.

During her time in the human world she would make many nests laying eggs as her species of vampire was a egg layer ( for reference please look at the monster girl encyclopedia vol 2 page 58 and 59 ) the eggs left there never hatched as at the time she was never able to bear a mate mark by a human and only can have a mate mark by a non human. She is able to also lay eggs at command and will shoot eggs at people if she feels threatened . This is not a sexual thing laying eggs since it is part of her biology. She does bear small black wings but they can only fly her short distances and only 4 feet to 15 feet off the ground and in windy conditions can go higher but it is more of a gliding than it is flying. When she does make a nest for her eggs it is out of human dead bodies as she feels when the day comes they do hatch they can feed off the flesh of the bodies, in her biology she never stays to see if any of her eggs hatch minus the two daughters she choose to raise.
[8:39 PM]
Her eggs are soft ball size and the color gray . They are very firm to the touch many would think they are rocks. Because of how hard they felt, and as they can be used as a weapon if she felt her life was endangered.

The day she became a wendigo was in scotland she was impressions by the scottish king Kenneth I MacAlpin he had believed she was a witch and had her thrown in the dungeon with no food, as she starved she finally broke down killing a human and eating them, yes she can drink blood but as this time the prisoners in the dungeon were starving and barely alive as this happened she felt her body change and the wendigo demon enter her body as most legends said would happen this was something she did not fully understand since she did not no any at the time . She spent many years eating the dead as she traveled if proper blood was not around for her.
[8:39 PM]
One day in her travels she meet a indian medicine man named Jack Fiddler from the sucker ( please check wikipedia for reference ) this man came from a long line of wendigo hunters and medicine men he was very well respected, when he met Nico he had spent many days stalking her as he witnessed her eating a white man who tried to rape one of the children from his tribe. He felt that she was the only one that was not fully evil. Spent 2 years taking her hunting, showing her how to control herself even though the hunger was never ending. He showed her how to blend in with other humans so they could not figure out what she truly was. Yes she was very old but she was never talented at hiding herself a reason why she always romamed after periods of time. When she heard Jack had killed himself then be hanged for killing the wendigos as regular humans aka white men did not understand there was more things out there then human, she mourned him as if he had been her lover. When she made it to him watching as he was buried she hunted down the men who had betrayed him taking her sweet time killing them slowly.
Nicos look change throughout the years . one thing about her she prefers to wear short clothes or if she is not yelled at she has no problem walking around naked. As she does not like to feel hot. Yes she has lived in some rather hot places but this was because the time ac was not invented and you had to blend in to live in the human world or risk being killed. When she does wear clothes she prefers to not wear a bra but has a love for stealing bras . She also has a love for the boho style long skirts and peasant shirts.
[8:39 PM]
One of her most personal happiest moments was when she helped her lover Sultan Hurrem Take out her rival Pargali Ibrahim Pasha. Nico spied on him for many years collecting daming information on the curpot things he did as well as reporting to Sultan Hurrem that he felt himself higher than the Sultan would himself be picking the next king. This enraged the king but still loving his friend he gave him a royal death by having him choked by silk ropes . After this had happened before he was buried in his mosch she violated his body by cutting off his balls and testicals and gifting them to Hurrem .

Nico does have a very high sex drive and has no issue enjoying the flesh of others. She is poly and is very up front to whoever she is with that she is not a one person type.
[8:41 PM]
to be continued




00:08 Apr 06 2023
Times Read: 319

I'm really happy I found dumpster diving yesterday a gargoyle and a tattered angel statues, then today hit my fav thrift got the whole collection of a movie series, the phropcy yea I'm sure I spet that wrong, and to top it off got a shit ton of paranormal books for 2 bucks. This is like the best . I no I sound goofy but yes I'm a book nut




04:24 Apr 05 2023
Times Read: 390

ok i feel i need to say this and no not starting issues thank you for the people who have supporeted me on here. yes i am estranged from my husband , his girl friend did not steal him from me. i did what my husband said, for many years he said this, yes i am abusive, no i will not change when you are done with it kick me out. and yes i got tired of the abuse and i kicked him out. we had a very toxic marriage. i have stated on face book, fetlife and other sights i do support him with his girlfreind . yes me and her have had a few issues we are trying to be adults and hash things out. i am happy in the coven i am in . i just do not want any drama i want to be here have fun . i am not bing forced to say this i am not saying it get back with my husband either or to look like the better person. i feel i should state this.




18:01 Apr 04 2023
Times Read: 403

been watching my favoirte turkish show it is so good, wish it was in english speaking but at least it has sub titles




16:44 Apr 03 2023
Times Read: 410

im gonna say this a nice cup of coffee is the best way to wake up. got some house work done.




16:38 Apr 01 2023
Times Read: 431

feeling good. got to go to my fav book store been a number of months since i had went. the last year i have loss 216 pounds of weight, my freind and her staff sent me a message today how very proud they were with how amazing i was looking. its going to take a while to lose the rest but it made me feel so good about the journy i am taking



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