Take some string; tie thirteen knots on it. As you tie each knot, project fierce hatred at your enemy. Then arrange to put the string in his clothing. e will slowly die. The only way To remove the spell is to retrieve the string and untie the knots while saying:
Knots, undone,
curse, undone,
let [say his name] live.
Go to a cemetary at midnight and pick flowers from three seprate graves. Now take some of your hair and tie the flowers together in a bouquet. Then, laying the flowers on a grave in which the moon is clearly shining, speak the following prayer:
oh beautiful venus, look down on me
and hear my prayer.
Take from [speak his name]
his wife [speak her name]
so that they depart from each other
in anger, in hatred,
as the sun is seperated from the earth
and it burns it with fiery deserts,
as the seas are seperated from the earth earth
and drown it with billowing floods,
as the night and day never meet,
let them meet not again.
oh, venus, who scorns unfaithful lovers,
torture the weapons of my misery
[say his name and his wifes name]
so that my revenge is yours.
now take the flowers from the grave and go, strait aay, to your victims house and hang them above his door.