If you get blocked it is coz I don't want non stop messaging or coz you are an asshole if you are not part of The Dark Kindred or not one of my friends then don't ask me or ask your friends to ask you to ask me to unblock you as that will lead to you getting blocked a nice heads up for the thick and stupid who are not my friends or part of The Dark Kindred
What sorta numbskull keeps dropping my status level after i raise it plus it is frigging irritating
Oh my Goth oh my Goth oh my Goth i eventually managed to get destiny 2 expansion called forsaken with a destiny 2 forsaken poster and i also have Yakuza 0 go me Violent Raven Omega
Dont know which i wanna be part of the Anarchist Federation or the British Mafia?
Where will I be going when I depart this cruel unforgivable world?
That depends on the condition of your soul.
Black and reeks of sin
Well, then honestly, hell. That's my belief anyways because sin can't enter into Heaven.
You say the nicest things to me