I'm fat and alone *cries*
No one wants to come to my birthday party :'(
It's almost 3pm here. At 9pm tonight, the university offers come out :)
I'll have to post later to let everyone know if I get into uni! Wish me luck!
Okay so I have to wait 6 more days until I find out if I get into uni. It's really nerve wracking X_X
Yesterday it was my boyfriend's and my 9 month anniversary. I keep joking saying if he had knocked me up the day we began dating then our baby would be due haha.
I want kids one day but not for a few years. I want to finish uni and have a career first.
It's been so hot here in Australia. Today it was like 103F. Stupid summer...
I miss netball. Half of my old team hated me and kicked me out and now they are playing again and most of them have quit and the team is like... screwed cause of lack of players. I asked one of my friends if I can play next week. I miss it so god damn much.
I watched "Make It Happen" yesterday. I really like it. I also miss dancing. I tried to copy Lauren's final dance scene but there's a few moves I can't do... like the back flip. Most of it I could do easily, I'm quite flexible from doing years of dancing and gymnastics.
Argh.... I've gained weight lately. I hate it. I don't hate myself or my body (okay I do a bit) but I just wanna be fit. I know the fact that I bloody dance and do sport and am flexible means I'm fit but I don't want a stomach. I wanna look nice in clothes. I've always been a bigger girl and I've struggled with my weight since I was like 11.
Anyways my 18th is just over 2 weeks away. I'll be a legal adult in Australia (we don't wait til 21) and I suppose I'll have the last piece of freedom in my life.
On a final note... I am feeling sick :(
Keep focusing on the fitness, more than anything else it will give you more freedom the older you get. I can't express how important this will be not in the next 5 years- but the next 15. If you manage to make it part of your life with no excuses- I promise you that you will see those who right now seem to have the world- fall to pieces from lack of movement.
Be proud of what you have accomplished, because it is far more than many people will do their entire life. Still, don't settle- keep striving for those dreams- even when it seems you have to wake up from them, sometimes that is just before they become reality :)
13:27 Jan 28 2009
Well if you didn't live in Damned Australia ...