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You broke my heart but I still love you. I gave you everything I possibly could... my soul, my heart, my love, my body.... I opened up to you and trusted you with my secrets and my life.
You told me we'd be together forever, then the next day you dumped me by text message. You wonder why I still love you? When you love someone, you love them forever, they will always be in the back of your mind, your heart.
I feel broken, I feel empty now.
I don't want to eat... I don't want to sleep.... I don't want to be touched. For like the first time ever, I don't even want to be hugged.
I will still be friends with you. And yeah I do wish things could go back to normal. But they can't. I can't take you back and give you a third chance. You already broke my heart twice... I can't take it anymore.
I ain't playing the victim though. It is partly my fault in a way. But I can't really help my age can I?
I wish I could hate you but I know myself well enough to know that that's impossible.
Let's see.... Last night I punched Kayne because he was being a deck and was like "You're all talk... you wouldn't do shit... come on... land me one right there" and he pointed to his cheek. So yeah.... I did land him one. No one insults my reputation.
Also.. today my bf dumped me ... by text message. Wtf is with that? You can't text message break up!