...why the slots in a toaster are always too small to fit a standard piece of bread in without chopping a bit off the crust? Who designs these things??
I mean no disrespect to the symbol of my House, but, honestly, hamsters are boring!
I'm looking after my boss Chris's hamster Crunchie while Chris and his mother are on holiday and I've never known a more boring rodent. All he does is sleep, eat, and shit. He's too jumpy so I can't pick him up, he doesn't even play in his wheel or anything, and the only remotely interesting thing he does is roll over on his back (scared) if you go to stroke him.
This is why I prefer rats. So much more of a personality! Speaking of, once we give Crunchie back next sunday we'll be getting 2 more rats; baby dumbos. Can't wait! It's been a while since I had baby rats, my remaining two are now three years old (ancient for a rat) and they probably won't be with us much longer. So, my plan is to get the babies, keep them in my smaller tank for now - can't put them in with the adults in case they're attacked - and then when Smudge and Jenks do go, we can move the babies into the large cage.
Well...I was going to bed...damn headache's crept up on me cos of the medication, but then I started looking at funny videos and now I'm distracted. I'll wait for Gav to come home - he's currently pulling his numbnuts cousin out of a ditch 3 towns over.
Heh. Anyone who thinks wrestling is fake - tell it to my partner The Revenant. He's the one currently laid up in a hospital bed with suspected spinal damage after his match tonight.
I'm not quite sure what to make of these...On the one paw I think they're a good idea, and certainly better than the inhumane method of declawing, but...a cat's natural instinct is to scratch so...
Anyway, Here's what I'm talking about:
The purple things (also available in blue, red, pink and clear) are little plastic caps which stick onto your cat's claws with a special non-toxic glue. The caps last for around 4-6 weeks on an adult cat and because they're rounded, they stop the claws catching on furniture, skin and carpets. The caps only bond to the outer sheath of the claw which the cat sheds regularly.
The picture of the dog one isn't working for some reason :-(
*Le sigh*
OK, this month, I will be mostly sorting out my wrestling site. Filling in the profiles is the main job now, the actual structure/optimisation etc is done. Also need to sort out and activate chatroom and forum, and get the guestbook in an iframe (keep em on the site!).
I really wanna get started on my plans for the coven I'm going to be creating when (if) I make Sire. Yeah yeah, I know there are complaints about all and sundry creating covens yada yada, but the thing is; I've been here for nigh on 3 years, I'm not some teenager with no clue about running a team - I think I can make it work. I know how VR works, I understand the mentality of many of its members...and I've got experience of being ACM in two different covens. Yep, I want to give it a go. I've got what I think is a kick-ass idea for it, and I'll regret it if I don't at least try.
So yeah, I'm gonna be making the pages and everything before I get to Sire, then I've got more to motivate me. I'll be sad to leave Eternal, but running my own coven is something I really want to have a go at. Besides, they'll probably kick me out long before that ;-P
Well, better go get ready for work now...gah. But only a 3 day week this week. Grandad's funeral on thursday, holiday booked on friday because of the wrestling show and final (I hope) blood test.
I'm pleased to report that the person who my last entry was about has now left! I think she sensed the job wasn't for her and decided to quit before we had the chance to tell her we weren't going to take her on after her probationary period.
Thing is, after all this altercation the other day, I booked a meeting with her on friday morning ready and willing to sort everything out and do my damnedest to get her up to speed with the job, but she'd already made her mind up to go.
Oh well, now it means we've got 3 positions available - Kont, fancy relocating to the UK?? You know about this stuff :-D