Walking Dead season 4 UK premiere. Come join the live tweetalong! https://twitter.com/search?q=%23thewalkingdeaduk&src=hash&f=realtime
I'm CharmedGeek if anyone wants to know :)
So excited for AHS: Coven airing in the UK on the 29th! Just seen this article on Buzzfeed and looking at all the images, while the theme is playing...I got chills. And they're multiplying.
Haven't lost control yet though.
I need to stay away from the journals this week: got to avoid those Walking Dead spoilers! The UK doesn't get to see it until Friday. Although there are ways if I get too impatient...No! Must resist!
You know, it's the one show I love, but have a difficult time watching. Something about it simply creeps me out WAY too much. Odd, because normally I can't stop watching shows like that.
I kinda know what you mean; for me it gets harder if I start imagining what it would be like if the world was actually like that, how I'd cope in a zombie apocalypse etc. Won't stop me watching it though! Apparently in season 4 there'll be more emphasis on the Walkers, as S3 focused far too much on the living to the point where the Walkers weren't seen as a threat anymore.
Well, just call me Dear Dotti.
Time will tell if my advice and plain speaking has worked.
Here's hoping...
Got a great concept for a profile brewing in my head, but it's very far removed from my current set-up and I don't really want to detract from that. I do have another account but it's a free one at the moment so it wouldn't really support the idea properly. Hmm, what to do...I can't buy a premium for it either, can't justify the spending right now.
Guess I'll build it offsite and upload it to the other profile as and when I can upgrade it. Will be a fun project if nothing else.
Skinned my journal! A nice Halloween theme seeing as it's October. Used to skin it each month but I'd totally forgotten about doing so until I went looking through some of my old entries earlier. Might do it each month again.
Well the hosting got sorted, and I've started the rebuild of my geek blog. A few issues with PHPMyAdmin but nothing I can't fix.
Can't decide whether to stick to the theme I had or look for another one, or maybe create my own this time.
It feels good to have a hosting account again!