Need to get back into Magic. I've recently started adding my newer cards onto Deckbox, after Gav and I spent ages sorting out my stock of cards up to 2015. Turns out I had over 3000 of them, not including the ones I'd pulled out for various deck concepts. I've still got about 20 boosters worth of Khans, same again of Fate and 3 or 4 Dragons boosters to put on there.
I bought a few Modern Masters boosters at the weekend, nothing hugely valuable from a trading perspective (a girl can dream of Tarmogoyfs!) but it's started to rekindle my interest in the game.
Part of the problem I have is that I don't know anyone near me, other than Gav, who plays. I could use Cockatrice but I prefer having, and playing with, the actual cards. Call me old-fashioned but eh, it's a preference. But it does mean I go hot and cold with the game. I don't go to tournaments or anything because I'm not really into the competitive side of it - I play for sheer enjoyment.
My completed decks at the moment are:
R/G Werewolves
R/G Heavies
R/B Minotaurs
B/U Mill - although some of the newer cards need to be swapped into this
Planned deck concepts are:
Sliver EDH (or Tiny Leaders, haven't decided yet)
B/G Sacrifice
R/G Elves and Hydras (got me some sweet Hydras on standby)
Black Ratpack (might include a few bats in there too)
Black (red splash) Shadowborn (link is to the card list on Deckbox)
I think a new stamp is in order. I knocked my current one up in 5 mins using Sumo, as I didn't have Photoshop. Now that I do, I need something a little more...engaging.
The question is, what? Gallifreyan will figure in there somewhere no doubt, as will the Weeping Angel. Beyond that...I guess I'll just let my hands take charge.