The medication I started last week is giving me some unpleasant side-effects. It kinda feels like I've got a bad hangover - nausea, headaches, trembling etc - yet I don't drink so I know it's not actually a hangover. I've been off work for the last 3 days because I can't actually focus and concentrate properly. Back in the office now but if I'm honest, I'm still not feeling right. But 3 sick days is enough, don't want to push my luck!
I'm really just writing this as a brain exercise, can't believe how much concentration it's taking though. My head's starting to hurt now so I'm gonna stop...
Bad day today. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because the bedroom was too hot despite ceiling fan on full blast and windows open. I think it was about 4am by the time I nodded off, and my alarm goes off at half 5!
I warned everyone in work that I'd be a bit zombiefied so thankfully they've left me alone as much as possible. I really do have great work colleagues.
But now I just want to get home and go to bed...