Well, some developements in the World of Jay; I have a brother!
Well, I had one all along, but since he's from my mothers first marriage we didn't grow up together. I met him once about 5 years ago and today I saw him for the first time since then, along with his girlfriend Lorraine and 2 yr old son Reece :-)
Yep, I'm an auntie! Never thought I would be as I never thought I'd have any kind of relationship with Sean, but hopefully he'll stay in touch. I don't have that much in the way of family - not to talk to anyway, there's actually about 200 cousins scattered over the world - so it'll be nice to gain a brother, sister in law and nephew.
Also, my car passed its MOT...barely. We only got it cos the tax is due in a week, then we'll probably only keep the car on the road for another month then declare it SORN, get another one, and do the old one up as a racecar. That's the plan anyway. I would really like to get my racing license before next year's out. But, for now at least, the Cavalier is legal again :-)
Just watched that movie 'Teeth'. All I can say is, glad I'm not a fella...ouch!
Oh yeah...it's friday 13th...Tattooists everwhere must be having a field day! Wonder if the one over here will follow the tradition? But no, can't do that...I'd feel traitorous going to someone else now!
Well I personally am not triskadecaphobic, but the dogs are unlucky today; it's gonna rain and I don't take them out in the rain! Sucks to be them...
Oh dear. I guess that means I can't take a long boring walk and get barked at by great big hairy things wanting me to throw stones for them. Oh darn.
I'll go shopping instead. Everyone around here is so superstitious the shops'll be empty :-D
It's official...I should not be away from Gav for this long. My emotions are all over the place!
One minute I'm giggling at cats, the next I'm in tears watching Grease, of all things!
Then I can be screaming at the PC for having a slow internet connection, then I'm sitting on the kitchen floor humming a tune from Wizard of Oz. And waving my arms about in time to it.
I tell you, Gav is better than any sedative or anti-depressant. He keeps me relatively sane!
The dog gave me a leaf yesterday. She'd been out in the garden and this leaf got brought in stuck to her face (don't ask). It dropped on the carpet and I told her to pick it up...she did, and promptly dropped it on my foot.
So that was my present for the day.
Oh, and I had to rescue a baby bird that she thought was a new toy. Poor thing had a wonky leg and couldn't seem to fly away, so it tried hiding under the fence away from her nose. I managed to pull her away and picked the bird up. Very cute little thing, just sat there looking very pleased with itself. I put it high on the birdhouse so the dog couldn't get it. didn't stop her looking for it for the next hour. She's not too bright.
I'm going to bed now...alone... :-(
Miss you baby xxx
Can I just say...I hate Alex sooooo much! I wish I was in there, she wouldn't think she was top dog for long! I could argue the bitch down. Who does she think she is???
Ever get the feeling that you're invisible? That your presence makes no impact on others whatsoever? That you're constantly ignored and/or passed over?
I hate that...
OK, I'm really missing Gav now. Damn work, not letting him have the time off! We'd never been apart for even one night since getting together, and now we're having to go two whole weeks...still, it'll be one hell of a homecoming!
Maybe I shoulda booked more days off work, I'll be damned if I'm gonna be able to sit down...
I don't know if I'm dedicated or just sad...Here I am on a two-week break from work, dogsitting for my parents, and I'm still doing stuff for work! Still, it alleviates the boredom somewhat...