Gav popped the question!
Haven't got the ring yet, he's planning on asking officially when he's got one, but he wanted to make sure i'd say yes if i'd turn him down! Not a chance in hell....
We're gonna go for a medieval style wedding. There's a castle near us that actually does them, along with a medieval banquet - mucho quaffing and shouting and calling for mead - so hopefully we're gonna go for that.
Don't know when its gonna be yet either, but not this year. Need to start saving!
Been working hard on profile/portfolio. Still can't figure out why VR portfolios don't seem to obey the normal css rules, but oh well, I guess it'll click sooner or later. I just hate not being able to do something like that, when I know I normally can. I mean, look at my profile! All my own work, but now cos my portfolio looks like crap everyone's gonna think I don't know jack shit about coding....grrrr!