Much has changed in my life since I semi-retired from the Rave over 3 years ago. I can barely remember the person I was back then, so I've decided that even though I'm overhauling my profile and starting a fresh portfolio, I'm going to keep my old journal entries so that I can still look back over them from time to time and reminisce.
From now on, The Charmed Geek will be the new 'So-Called Life' - where I put my ramblings about life in general. I haven't decided what I'll use the fifth section for, possibly to record details of a project I've got planned and any related items. More on that later though...
I'm looking around and seeing lots of familiar names, people I was once friends with (mainly House Masters or Coven Sires now), as well as lots of new people. It's nice to see that the Rave is still going strong, and hasn't fallen by the wayside like so many other sites of its kind.
There's a lot of new features which I'm looking forward to exploring, and of course a lot more flexibility with our profiles which will come in VERY handy! It also looks like portfolios are a lot less restrictive than they used to be, which is great! Er...if any passing Sentoran wants to clarify the new rules for me, it would be much appreciated, I haven't found anything in the Manual to cover what we can/cannot put in there now, other than the nudity policy.
It's hard to believe that my account has been active on the Rave for 7 years now. Thanks to VampireWitch39 I have a lifetime membership so it's nice to be able to pick it up and run with it when real life allows, instead of worrying about my premium running out and having to get the value for money.
So, my profile...I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with it, but the Rocky Horror theme doesn't really suit who I am now. Don't get me wrong, I still love the film, but my tastes have taken a different turn of late, and I want a profile to really reflect the new me.
That sounds quite sinister or mysterious doesn't it? Heehee, if it gets you coming back then all to the good :D