Why is it so difficult to find decent guild members who will participate in dungeons etc? How do other guilds manage it? Bah!
So, was talking to my mother last night and I happened to mention I was feeling a bit down, and was going to see the doctor about perhaps changing my anit-depressants as they didn't seem to be working anymore. This prompted a discussion which involved her saying I shouldn't need them, my depression has nothing to do with her having it, that I shouldn't be depressed anyway because I have a beautiful baby, and this culminates in her informing me that she was a stronger person than me because she never had medication.
I hung up on her.
The woman has been a borderline manic depressive my whole life (and longer, I assume), so she's the one person I'd expect to have understood. But no, understanding is not what my mum does. Criticism, guilt trips, and downright insensitivity are her 'gifts'.