WeepingAngel's Journal

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8 entries this month

17:10 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 786

Dammit, dammit, dammit. Payday rolls around and what do I do?

Go on Amazon. *sigh*

But I was good, I only bought an Eddie Izzard box set, a Bottom box set, and Dungeon Keeper 2 for the PC. No books or music CDs, despite the tempting array of them I have built up on my wish-list.

Course, the Darren Shan books are still looking very inviting, so I may cave as the month goes on. And ooh, I've just remembered a very swish gothic maternity top I was planning to buy...must go find that.

I'm so glad all my bills come out as soon as my wages go in...




17:52 Apr 29 2009
Times Read: 796

Ok, anyone who uses MSN/Windows Live regularly, can you answer me this?

I always store my MSN conversations. I mainly do so in case I'm ever told links or whatever I may want to remember.

Say I'd been chatting to X on tuesday. I close the conversation window and signed out. Then, on thursday, I begin chatting to X again, and the chat window that opened shows the conversation we'd had on tuesday, as well as our current conversation.

My question is; will X be able to see tuesday's conversation as well, even if they have chosen not to store conversations; or can I only see our past chat because I choose to store them?




18:31 Apr 24 2009
Times Read: 817

I feel like such a sheep. I'm reading the Twilight trilogy - halfway through 'New Moon' at the moment.

My saving grace, however, is that I actually wanted to get the books before all the hype and the movie. I remember seeing them in Borders when they first came out, but I didn't have the money at the time. So I only actually bought them about 3 weeks ago. And it's taken me this long to actually get around to reading them (I read fast - the first book took me about 3 hours tops).

They're not as bad as I imagined, but I don't think I'll be wanting to see the movie anytime soon. I'll stick with the books!




17:32 Apr 23 2009
Times Read: 819

Some of the people in my team are really starting to get on my nerves. I'm their line 1 manager, and they're supposed to come to me whenever they want a purchase checking and possibly signing off. But I found out today that on the odd occasion I say no (usually because it's not worth the money or is a bad investment), or suggest something different, they're going to MY manager to see what he says.

Now and again he will say something different as they may explain the deal in a different way - give him more information or something - and then that makes ME look bad. He's as pissed off about this as I am; as far as he's concerned what I say goes, and he's not being told by these sneaky little buggers that they've already been to me. So they're basically goading him unknowingly into undermining me, which he doesn't want to do.

It reminds me of a child who'll go to daddy when mummy says no...But these are all adults who should know better! Honestly, I'd rather deal with the fuckwits on this site sometimes than the lot I work with :-D




19:56 Apr 15 2009
Times Read: 835

Hmm. So. The UK government's latest idea on how to deal with the increasing number of potholes on our roads is...do absolutely sod all. Apparently they plan to leave them unfilled for up to 12 months, as a 'traffic calming' measure.

Yeah. Lets see how long THAT lasts when councils get sued left, right and centre by irate motorists who've suffered tyre damage on these things...




13:37 Apr 13 2009
Times Read: 841

Can't wait for my upcoming weekend to Blackpool on May 9th! Hopefully Minx will be coming with me, and we'll be meeting up with Lisa (Theira on here, previously known as NosphoratusVamparess) and I'll get to see my old best mate Allyson and her 2 kids, the youngest of whom, Thomas, I've not even met yet. We're gonna hit the town, do some window shopping while I reminisce about all the places I used to work, drink or just hang out at, then hit the pubs at night time (me staying sober of course!). Must remember to take my camera and get some embarrassing shots of Li and Suze falling over drunk... :-P

It's what I need, a girly night out with people I can trust, and in a town which I know like the back of my hand (I grew up there and lived there for 16 years), and doesn't have any memories of Gav. The downside is, of course, driving in Blackpool - even straight off the motorway the dual carriageways have a 30mph speed limit...and goddamn speed cameras everywhere! I hate driving slowly...




08:33 Apr 11 2009
Times Read: 853

I feel like such a swot :-) I have 4 days off over the Easter bank holiday and I've actually brought NVQ work home with me to get on with...

Still, if i'm to finish it before I start my maternity leave in August it's kind of necessary. I don't get much time to do it in work anymore, and will have even less time soon if the thing Barry and I are planning pans out...

Good times :-)




21:20 Apr 10 2009
Times Read: 865

After months of procrastinating, sketching, erasing and hissy fits, I finally have my next tattoo design just the way I want it. It's to go down the side of my left arm, starting just underneath my wristbone and is about 4 inches long. I'm not putting any pictures up until it's inked, so don't ask; suffice to say it's very symbolic to me and is unlike anything I already have - although it is slightly similar to the one on my right wrist. I'm hoping to get it done on Thursday :-)

**UPDATE** After receiving new information from a concerned member of VR, I'm going to wait until after the baby is born before getting this done. It'll be hard; I'm not the most patient person, but it'll give me time to work on my leg piece and perhaps get both done at the same time...

Thanks NB x



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