once again i am at my deeps of hell
why did this happen again
the finger points at me
for more again when the shadow lurks
do i deserve it i don;t know
do i need i know i don;t
or do i thrive on it
the feeling that makes pain to me happy
life is what
a mystery
a game
or just plain bullshit
but when you know that does this up the anti
and make you search harder for what ever you
want, to hold close, show to others
but does this work
for right at this point i have hit
not once twice but more then three
a feeling i even would only wish apon
god him self, to know what he has done
if he is there and around he has
answers to own up to
and questions that he must justify
for his salvation was not for him self
or us, no it try and put him above us
love does not exsist he knew this
what we call love is just a
amicable relationship
between two people
for this i do not cry
for what i cry
is to know that
what i give i get back not a one sided deal
do i ask to much
do i ask the wrong people
do i do i do i
i don;t know any more