don't know who these users are, don't really care to know who they are either, as i try to keep distance between myself and ignorance
Your blocked users:
DeathConsumed [ Unblock ]
Vladvampirelord [ Unblock ]
SomeoneSpecial [ Unblock ]
the angels, the angelic beings, the light and all the heavens and knowledge of inner dimensional worlds that is what i seek in my path of enlightenment, to me there is nothing dark and nothing to fear besides ignorance
i have someone who gave me honor 4 times but they done it in secret, i wish i knew who they were, anyways whoever you are i want to thank you for giving me honor
i read little comments people make here and there about magic(k) and witch craft spell work, they speak of it and toss words out with ease not caring what they say and acting like it's some kind of fundamentalist game, well i find when they are doing so that it is not only showing immaturity but also showing their lack of knowledge and disrespect to the airts and to me it seems to be dishonoring the elements and directions. I am a firm believer in that whatever you do in the end you will reap what you sow even to the point of three times back. I believe that all who practice the craft in any form should hold up some form of guidelines in basic etiquette as to not disrespect or dishonor any kind of elements,directions or deities and so forth
As a practicing Wiccan, I tend to believe that most of them who are "tossing words out" are only copying and pasting from websites and calling themselves this or that.
i like to write a lot and share my opinions, i do enjoy blogging some may enjoy and find my blogging entertaining and some may dislike and get annoyed about them but this is me and i like to say whatevers on my mind however random that may be
why is it that on all social sites, it's always the whores and sluts who are the most popular, just by watching how members act i can see this social site is basically like all the rest
I think that type of person posts a lot and stirs up swirling eddies, but no real staying power based on character and dimension. I don't know if that really equates to popularity. I have a pretty select list of people here who are popular,,,to me. Maybe that's the better way to categorize popularity...make it a personally relevant list.
Because social sites reflect the real life.
wow there are so many forum topics that spark my interest, i want to reply to them all and there is just to many and that gets me very frustrated, but i did manage to reply to a few forums
i was searching for a cool mentorship with no such luck but i did come across a mentorship where the mentor had self deleted but the mentorship is still there, also a lot of these mentorships i was looking at i have yet to see the mentors online and i been coming on regularly, for some reason i am thinking the have not been on in a long while.
not that what i say matters but i am thinking the mentorships need a bit of cleaning up as it seems some are quite dusty, perhaps the admins can get rid of the inactive ones and the ones where their mentors have not logged in like forever, well that would really help me out in finding a good active mentorship
i have been seeing a whole lot of ignorance on this site and i don't mean just stupidity but Real Ignorance.
I mean come on now how ignorant can some people be, should i even be amazed at what i am seeing
seriously GOD save these ignorant people and help them find some kind of peace and tranquility in their lives.
i just read a profile that's female and in all honesty it sounded totally like a guy wrote it, i thought that was weird for sure
Well who was it?
what made you think that?