VenusFire's Journal

VenusFire's Journal


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6 entries this month

Well.....It's That Time of the Year Again!!

01:57 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 709

Showing in my area this Saturday night. I remember people dressing up and yelling at the screen throwing toilet paper, squirting mustard, and splashing water balloons.....

Rocky Horror Pictures, Images and Photos

For those of you who has no idea what I am talking about, let me refer you to the:

RHPS Virgin's Guide

VIRGIN - In the common world, this usually refers to a person who has not engaged in sexual relations. In the ROCKY HORROR world, this word refers to the many unfortunate people who have never experienced THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (RHPS) in a theater with an audience and a live cast. Seeing it on home video (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS, Netflix Instant, etc.) or on TV doesn't count!

You came to this page because you are hopefully going to consider attending a showing of Rocky Horror in a theater.

If you've already seen the movie by itself on TV or home video and wondered what all the fuss was about, read on. If you haven't seen the movie on TV or home video - GREAT! The more surprised you are on your first time, the more fun it is.

Rocky Horror is the first and only true audience partici-(SAY IT!)-pation movie. People yell back lines at the screen during the extended pauses between dialogue, dress up in costume and act out the film, and throw props various times during the film. The audience participation phenomenon was observed as early as the film's first run in 1975 (when it bombed during limited engagements in 7 of 8 cities), and was later re-released as a midnight movie where the audience participation really began to flourish. And by the way, for the "gore sensitive", Rocky Horror is NOT a horror film. It is a rock-musical send-up of old science-fiction and horror films.

Enough history! You are interested in going, so here's what you really need to know.

First, the only thing you really need to bring your first time out in order to have fun is a sense of humor, and money for admission (and food at the nearest 24-hour diner afterwards.) Of course, being surrounded by 10-15 of your friends is also a good thing. You should dress in whatever makes YOU feel comfortable, but also does not violate any local standards (this usually means nudity is out.) Speaking of violating laws and norms of society, it is usually best to go to RHPS sober the first time. Not only will you be more in-tune to pick up all the clever things going on around you, some theaters will not admit those people who look drunk - what theater manager wants to clean up after a drunk at 2:30 a.m.?

But hey, what about the props and audience participation lines and dressing up in costume? Well, no one expects you to know much of anything your first time out. While audience participation is mandatory to keep the show alive, it is not mandatory that everyone participate, every time. Virgins are not expected to know a damn thing (just like in sex.)

If you really want to bring props, check with your local theater and ask what props are not allowed. The safest ones to bring are rice (banned at some, but not most theaters), toast (unbuttered), toilet paper and a deck of cards. A newspaper may help keep you from getting wet, but water is banned at many theaters. Watch everyone else to figure out when to throw these items. A prop list is available on this website.

Oh, and if you need to know one AP line, there is one that is almost universal to every theater, that you can use multiple times. Whenever you hear the name "Brad Majors", yell "ASSHOLE", okay? An important note here: AP is NOT fixed from theater to theater and night to night. If you feel an new line coming on, YELL IT! A big part of keeping the show fresh is creating new lines with topical humor. (i.e. "Is Jessica Simpson a real dildo?" film: "YES!")

Hmmmm... sounds interesting. I am not going to be targeted for some humiliation because I am a virgin, right? Maybe. Usually, theaters will have some sort of virgin ritual which almost always only includes 2 virgins. Since at any one time, an audience can consist of 25%-50% virgins, it is not likely that you will be chosen for this harmless ritual (well, usually harmless, it varies by theater!) If it looks like you are about to be picked, the best thing to do is point to a friend of the same sex and mouth to whoever (whomever?) is looking at you that he or she is a "virgin" (the soon to be ex-friend that you are pointing at.) Once you have completed an entire showing of Rocky in a theater, they can not ask you to participate in this ritual... you only have to worry about this once. (And once you see it, sometimes you actually WISH you were picked!)

Now get off your butt, check the showtimes list and find out where to see Rocky (and don't rent the damn thing again until you do see it.)

REMEMBER: Rocky Horror is like sex, you can only have one first time so make the most of it.

What do you need to bring:



Water Pistols


Rubber Gloves



Toilet Paper


Party Hat



Hot Dogs and Prunes

Fun at RHPS WITHOUT Annoying Other People There:

The difference between a true RHPS fan and someone just out for a rowdy time can be seen in their manners and etiquette. Here are some guidelines that should be deemed necessary by anyone looking to perpetuate our experiences of absolute pleasure.

The throwing of rice, toilet paper, water, etc. is part of the fun. It is not meant to harm people, ruin someone's make-up or costume, or cause damage to the theater.

Never make fun of someone for "dressing up" - especially if their costume or make-up is not exact. The point is that their heart is in it and this might discourage them or others from ever returning in costume and that's what this cult's all about, isn't it?

If you portray a certain character in your theater or its performing group, don't get angry or jealous if someone else comes dressed as that character. Remember that the movie and its characters are not your exclusive property. When you think about it, any resentment is hypocritical to your own "dressing up".

Respect the wishes of the theater and its management. Vandalism and the breaking of rules might not only lead to your ejection, but to the closing of the film. This would only be spoiling it for everyone.

If visitors from other theaters or areas comes to visit, don't try to "shout them down". Respect the fact that they might yell different "lines". Why, you might even find some new ones more preferable to your own.

Calling Brad an "asshole" and "neck lines" to the criminologist are funny in their proper place, but should not be yelled every time you see these characters' faces. It does get boring and monotonous.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show Pictures, Images and Photos





01:11 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 713

This is just a taste of what we had to deal with around my area last night.

The watches are still in effect.

Had to get my son out of school early today. They had the whole 2nd grade lined up down the hallways "assuming the tornado position." He was so hot from being crammed up next to a bunch of other kids that his little cheeks were red.

Hopefully, none of them were sick and didn't pass any germs!!





12:55 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 728

We had severe weather in my area all night last night and they have extended the Tornado watches for most of this morning as well.

Did not get much sleep last night to say the least. I don't mind the occasional thunderstorm, but tornadoes are a different story, and not something we get on a regular basis in NC.

We have a bathroom in the central part of my house that has no windows and puts most of the walls around us so that is our safe place. Since they made analog TV's obsolete, we can't use the portable TV anymore to keep up to date with the latest weather while we are in our safe place.

My son is terrified of storms and tornadoes scare him so much that he keeps his hands over his ears the entire time. My goal is to keep him safe and that is all that matters.



13:12 Oct 27 2010

We had the same watches in my area. Ours ended at 1:30 last night though. *hugs* hope your safe.

20:19 Oct 27 2010

Your not alone. Same with me. We still have winds in the range of 30 to 40 miles per hour.



02:31 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 736

This is me dropping the subject. Thank you.




Give Me a Fucking Break....PLEASE!

01:05 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 753

Don't even begin to make yourself seem all so important. You may be important to SOME people, but not all of us babe.

I have friends on here too....


Why am I not in the picture you may ask...because I took the fucking picture.

Instead of getting together with a "click" of people, try getting to know some of the rest of us. You may even surprise yourself if you even attempted to get to know some of us. Instead of shoving your head up your ass and keeping it there, try taking it out once in awhile and breathe.


A faux pas (pronounced /ˌfoʊˈpɑː/, plural: faux pas /ˌfoʊˈpɑː(z)/) is a violation of accepted social norms (for example, standard customs or etiquette rules). Faux pas vary widely from culture to culture, and what is considered good manners in one culture can be considered a faux pas in another. The term comes originally from French, and literally means "misstep" or "false step".

Are we really going to have etiquette issues here? Next, we will need to learn to hold our pinkie fingers up while we all type. Or better yet, conform to what you believe to be socially acceptable. What might that be really? This is an alternative Goth site....we are not socially acceptable people. (Not yet anyway, but some of us "anarchists" are working on that. Not found a way to get Obama to write a bill for it, but hey, we can work on that too.)

I have always been a rebel. I guess it's a Southern thing. I am not familiar with how people are accustomed to behaving in public throughout the United States, so I am no authority to dictate what people should or should not do....neither are you for that matter.

What are my thoughts on socially acceptable behavior:

Long live Anarchy! Pictures, Images and Photos

Why so serious Pictures, Images and Photos

Anti-Terrorist Pistol Pictures, Images and Photos

Gun Control-Theory Pictures, Images and Photos

Redneck Discipline Pictures, Images and Photos

In closing.....the way I do things and the way you do things are never going to be the same. We as a society are never going to conform to what others expect us to. Sorry to disappoint you. But hey, life is a total BITCH.



02:01 Oct 27 2010

That truly does fit into the phrase: Everyone is different. We may not be the same but really there's nothing wrong with that... And I showed pictures of myself hanging out with other VR members since I know they won't mind appearing in photos.. Plus, we were being really weird in the pictures and it seemed fitting.

02:04 Oct 27 2010

Also, I think we're actually agreeing on this. The point of my entry was to state that we are all different and this is a social atmosphere so it is possible to say something that is "faux pas" because as you perfectly stated above, Faux Pas vary widely from culture to culture

So there IS no norm, but you might rub someone the wrong way. That's what I'm saying.

19:23 Dec 08 2010

HEY!! who said something about our pics and fun!!!?????

they are just jealous!


My Rant for the MONTH!

18:27 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 776

Because this is MY Journal and I am allowed. Don't like it, fucking leave.

I am really getting sick of people who think they are better than anyone else. Always real quick to jump in and put somebody else down, especially when they are already down. How can you honestly expect others to give a damn what you have to say when you don't care about others in the first place?

If you don't want someone commenting about what you write, don't make it a public entry bitch! Set that shit to private because some of us don't wanna read it nor do we give a damn about it anyway. But don't get pissed off when you make it public and someone makes a comment that you may not agree with.

I sit back and read everyone's bullshit going back and forth carrying on like they are fucking 2 year olds. I haven't said shit to anyone but I am getting sick of it! I have had enough!!

It is getting old quick.

My seven year old has more maturity than some of the people here. How bad is that?

Don't make comments or threats to people you don't even fucking know. That is another thing that gets to me. If you saw me face to face, you would not even have the balls to say to me what you say on here.

Please, for the love of GOD, do me and a few others a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!

This should be enough ranting to last me awhile.



21:22 Oct 25 2010

I hope I never get you mad at me.

Although you make a really great point.

Good for you.

03:07 Oct 26 2010

hugs right on sister

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