I confronted the bully the other day and let her know how I feel. Mind you, it was very hard for me to do but it was something I had to do.
I feel so much better now. It is not easy to perform your duties at work when you have that kind of pressure on you from a bully.
Adult bullies are more difficult to deal with than childhood bullies.
I have been dealing with a bullying co-worker lately. Not sure how much more stress I can take. It's starting to have an impact on my mental health.
I have been documenting every incident. I plan to give it some time before I go to the boss. I want to be prepared when I do.
This co-worker is power tripping, hard.
The problem is she is the boss' pet favorite and doesn't seem to do any wrong in their eyes. This is going to be complicated and I have to think out my approach with all of this in mind.
If it doesn't get any better, I will take the next offer that comes available and leave.
Look into hostile work environment. I'm not sure of current status of the law but it is a place to start.
Alright Gwenny Pie, who's ass do I have to kick now? *smirks*
You know if it didnt have to do with work they would feel my Wrath, But honestly one can only take so much so if things dont get better I will come there and speak on your behalf, job or no job.....
13:34 Nov 10 2013
And that is how its done. no one out there is above anyone.. always remember that..
04:12 Nov 11 2013
I don't know you or your situation- but good job. You should be applauded.
17:04 Nov 13 2013
WTF???? I am just now seeing all of this!!!
I can wait for her after work and kick her ass!!! She doesn't know who I am...I will fuck her up!!!