To be performed during the waning moon
heatproof container or cauldron
black or white candle
basil and garlic (for uncrossing, protection)
paper/black pen
Cast the circle
Invocation of the God and Goddess
Statement of purpose
I am here to banish negative influences from my life.
Right now, (name) is exerting an extremely negative force upon me. I ask for the
God and Goddess to assist me in banishing these forces and eliminating his/her
Consecrate the cauldron as follows
sprinkle with salt water
In the name of the Lord and Lady I charge you to serve me within this circle. I
clear you of all former influences and energies that you may be fit for the
workings of Magick herein.
Do the same with the candle
On a piece of paper, write full name of person to be banished. Roll up and tie
with black string. Sprinkle with salt water and recite:
Thou creature of paper.
By paper made, by paper changed.
Thou art not paper, but thou art negative influences in (person to be bound).
So mote it be!
Light the black candle.
Burn the paper in the candle, visualizing all negative power over you vanishing
in the flames and rising out of your world with the smoke.
Sprinkle basil and garlic over the flames and recite:
Blazing force of cleansing fire
Help me in this rite.
By air and earth,
water and fire
So be you bound
With this rite,
Your power takes flight
Sky and sea,
Keep harm from me
Cord go round,
Power be bound
Your negativity will no longer come my way.
From henceforth, your power over me is banished.
So Mote it Be!
Let paper burn itself out while visualizing a healthy, positive relationship
with the person
Cakes and Ale
Thanking the God and Goddess
Close the circle, thank the watchtowers for their protection
Use a red piece of paper. Purify and consecrate it by use of the four elements.
Prepare the altar using red candles. Burn one sheet of paper previously rubbed
with essence of lavender and rose. As the paper burns, thoughts and emotions of
the one who is making the spell must be raised to a high pitch. Persons name
must be written on red paper and the wish to bind to bring love to a person.
Light a red candle and chant while it burns:
"As this candle is red
(name) is now being led
by (Witch's name) witching fire
toward warmth and desire.
For s/he will become
Together as two, then be as one
Under the stars, moon and sun
Soon, soon, soon.
As I will, so mote it be!"
Let the candle burn an inch for one month, two inches for two months, etc.
Find a comfortable place where you can relax and be completely
quiet...relax...allow your thought snow to just come and go...come and go...and
take a deep breath in and hold it...(pause) gather up the tension in
your body, and release it as you exhale...take another deep breath, and as you
exhale, let go of anybody else's energy or thoughts you may be
carrying....and breathe in new energy...breathe in new possibilities...and
allow your body to fill with lightness...feel it becoming lighter and lighter
as you relax more and more...relaxing deeply...going deeper... feeling very
light light you could almost float away..........
And as you relax, imagine a beautiful colored mist is swirling up around you,
billowing up around you into a cushiony, soft, cloud of energy...and you are
resting completely upon this cloud...and you are you breathe in and
out, let your thoughts just come and go...relaxing more and more...and the
cloud of energy now lifts you up into the air and carries your down into your
own inner world...down between the boundaries of time and a place of
timeless beauty and infinite possibilities...floating down now, going deeper and
deeper, leaving the outer world and its concerns far behind, as you drift
and float on this beautiful cloud....going further and further- ...down below
you is a rock, a giant rock...and the cloud gently and effortlessly lands upon
the rock and you step off it, as the cloud swirls back into a mist and
disappears for now...
Stand upon this rock now, and feel the strength of it under your feet...and as
you turn around, you look out upon a great river...flowing as far as you can
see... seeming to come from some infinite place...and disappearing into an
infinite place,,,a flowing, endless river of energy...this is the river of all
life waters...all of life draws upon the lifeforce that moves through its
steaming currents... look closely at the water...what color is it? it may look
like liquid light to you...look deeply into it, and sense the power and depth
of the river...what sound does it make as it courses through its
channels? you stand securely upon your rock, notice and fragrance
...and bend down and cup your hands in the living water, and splash some of
it on your face...feel the life giving force on your skin... take a sip of the
water...allow the river of life to nourish you....
Now relax a moment upon the rock...and bring into your mind the magical
intention that never seemed to go anywhere...what were you trying to
accomplish?...what was the basic intention you had?...what was the emotion
behind the intention?... feel the energy of that emotion moving onto the palms
of your hands now...feel the energy glowing...pulsating...breathe and allow your
intention that you're still clinging to externalize...the energy of it is now
shimmering, glowing...swirling into a sphere...allow all of your desire to
flow into this sphere...and allow this sphere to appear to you however it
appears...and just observe what you may see pictures or symbols
emerging within the sphere...whatever you see is fine...
When your sphere is completely filled with the last of your desire, emotion,
and intention, hold it aloft...feel the power of it in you hands, a globe of
power that you can now release...and look out into the river of
as its currents of possibility flow for ever and ever, as far as you can
see...and whenever you're ready, with as much and as little force as you
need, throw the pulsating sphere into the river...and give this intention to
the life force of this great as the sphere touches the
water...and gradually disappears into the current...
Take a deep breath... as the sphere disappears the last of your intention and
emotion and desire merges with the source of all life, from which it originally
came...and leaves you...
Now complete any business here that you need to finish...take a few moments to
enjoy the flowing river of life, and know that the possibilities it nourishes
can bring miracles into you life too...
Take another deep breath, and notice that colored mist is once again swirling
around you...billowing up underneath you to form a beautiful cloud of
cushiony energy, which is lifted up into the air, with you upon it...relaxing
into the cloud you are returning the way you came...lifting up through time and
space, coming back from the inner world...coming up... further and
further...floating and drifting back...coming back...bringing you all the way
back into your body now, into this room...brining your attention completely back
into this time and place...take a deep breath and begin to re-orient yourself
to the outer world...and when you're ready, count to three..., and on the
count of three open your eyes, and return feeling relaxed, alert and at peace.
As always, change any of the wording or images in this meditation if it suits
your purpose better. The important part is just to finally and completely let
go of your intention, so that the energy can be recycled in whatever form the
creative force and your own consciousness will allow. Out of this release, new
lives, new opportunities, and new magical opportunities are born!