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Different types of Vampires.

18:34 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 453

Sanguinarian Vampire:Within the vampire community, blood-drinkers are commonly known as sanguines or sanguinarians. The word is taken from the Latin sanguis, which means literally, “blood.”

A sanguine vampire – “sang vamp” for short – drinks blood from willing human donors on a semi-regular basis. Amy Krieytaz has coined the term "sanguinarians" for blood vampires whose main vampiric tendency is a compulsion, or need, to consume blood for reasons that are not primarily related to eroticism or emotional satisfaction.

Psychic Vampire:Psychic vampires are living people who have the ability, consciously or unconsciously of draining life-energy (prana, chi, life-force …) rather than blood from others.

Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain energy for its own use.

In the words of Anton LaVey, the famous Satanist, "psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of vital energy". As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men or women, young or old.

Although psychic vampirism seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, legends about vampire like beings that drain the body of its energy or 'life-force', soul or vitality, who use humans as a means of procreation, predate blood-drinking revenants by thousands of years.

The term 'psychic vampire' was popularized in the mid-1800s when members of The Theosophical Society turned their attention to researching the human psyche, described as the mind, soul, emotions, and all the other mental processes which take place within an individual and which are not visible or measurable in the physical world.

Members of The Theosophical Society theorized two types of psychic vampires.

In psychiatric terms, a psychic vampire is someone who drains emotional energy without giving anything back, and can make the other person very tired, depressed, emotionally unbalanced, or worse, if too much is drained.

Emotional Vampires: only feed on certain emotions, just as others feed on anything they can. Usually, the bad ones will exert a strong mental control on the victim, and do as much as possible to provoke feelings of distress, shame, and sorrow.

Sexual Vampire:A sexual, sympathetic or tantric vampire is a person who feeds on sexual energy. He usually practices Tantra, an ancient Hindu practice which mixes meditation and non-orgasmic sex to attain a state of perfect bliss.

The ritual is based on activating the human energy centres, chakras, which hold the potential to reach 'cosmic awareness'. The human body is thought to have 6 main chakras (base of spine, near navel, near heart, near throat, between brows and most importantly genitals) each of which represents a gateway to higher energy. Tantric rituals emphasise the need to open up these energy points in order to harmonise the flow of energy throughout the body to help achieve an elevated state of sexual awareness.

A common term for female vampires who feed exclusively through sex is "Succubus", a word which originally denoted a mediaeval demon who was believed to visit men in dream and tempt them into sexual misconduct to rob their sperm; the male version of the word, although not as widespread, is "Incubus”.

Elemental Vampires: feed off of natural phenomena ie: lightning storms, thunder storms, hurricanes, ley lines, waterfalls or natural events.

While some exclusively feed on elemental events and forces, some just use the elements to supplement their feeding until they can get a donor or person to feed from. These recipients of energy can be as different as trees, animals or crystals are.




Vampires are real and not pure fiction.

18:10 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 458

The Headache Paradox: It is scientifically impossible to have a headache, seeing that there are no pain receptors in the brain. Yet we continue to search for answers to what causes a headache, because we all know that headaches do exist.

Between a combination of the fact that our brains are roughly nothing more than a highly advanced mass of nerves, and that every function is controlled by signals that our brain sends through our nerves to the rest of our bodies, I think that if we could somehow make our nerves send stronger, more efficient signals at a quicker speed it would have a lot of different results. Including heightened sense (both physical and psychic) moving quicker both running and walking along with arm movement etc. The brain being just nerves would obviously also be effected, resulting in quicker more efficient thinking, which naturally would make us smarter, more observant, and have much sharper reflexes.

Since this may also result in pain receptors working harder, we would be more sensitive to types of heat and other forms of pain. Explaining sensitivity to sun and loud noises. The body naturally creating endorphins to counteract pain would naturally adapt and produce either stronger endorphins or endorphins at a higher rate. This would result in a higher control over pain in the long run.

While that would be the results of a nervous system that has become more efficient, it probably sounds like pure fiction of it happening. However if you look at what happens to ones body when they are about to fight, with the sudden increased strength, it makes it seem more possible. As for regenerating as well, as cuts and bones healing in seconds, you’re on your own. Then again I can’t think of a vampire movie where one re-grew an arm or any other body part.

Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former basically says, prepare for a fight, the latter says, take it easy and relax. Personally after my change I've been consciously aware of that going on and am wondering if this is the case for other real vampires.

When we are about to fight, the sympathetic takes over and norepinephrine (adrenaline) pours into the blood, causing the circulatory system to be affected. Blood gets transferred from the skin and viscera to the brain and muscles, causing paleness and muscles to become strong. The extra blood going to the brain causes us to think quicker. The increased production of red blood corpuscles, allows for quicker coagulation, as well as quicker and deeper breathing. The blood also leaves the different digestive organs while being rushed to the brain and muscles. This results in cessation of digestion. With the power of the internet this is easily looked into and confirmed.

If we, as real vampires, were in a constant state of that, seeing that a good portion of our body would feel the lack of blood it does make sense that we would feel the constant need to get blood from an outside source to feel reasonably normal. Plus with that lack on a philosophical jump of logic we could say that any blood that we ingested would be immediately drawn into our body, much like a dehydrated person’s body quickly puts any water they drink to use.

Ingesting blood, absorbing blood when a vampire drinks it. Every thing you eat touches a lot of places in your body before it reaches your stomach. It hits your mouth, tongue, and virtually every muscle in your esophagus not to mention depending on if you've eaten recently enough or eaten to much food it will wait in your esophagus for a short amount of time. There are a lot of chances for blood to be absorbed long before it even knew your stomach existed. Making stomach acid completely irrelevant, as for recognizing blood I'm pretty sure the body knows what blood is.

If you think a vampire or even you can drink blood without that blood or part of it being absorbed in to the body before it reaches the acid in their stomach. Then do the simple experiment of drinking about an ounce of blood from a person that has AIDS, and then go get tested for HIV three months later. If you do that experiment, you will test positive for HIV. It is a retrovirus as well as being a part of an infected persons blood. So that little experiment will double as a way to show how easily ingesting blood that contains vHERV works when being changed in to a vampire. As well as the fact that anybody can absorb ingested blood without it ever reaching the stomach.

That is the most logical explanation I can come up with for the idea of vampires being smarter, quicker, stronger, slightly faster healing, paler, and more psychically aware. The following endogenous retrovirus belief is the most logical I have heard as to why us real vampires exist. Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.

The endogenous retrovirus belief

Yale University ''Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease.'' The belief that being a vampire was caused by a disease dates back at least as far as the black plague. Making this far from being a new belief, and the black plague happened long before movies were even thought of. Meaning this is defnitely not due to the latest vampire movie, or any vampire or non-vampire movie for that matter. The claim that it is just an energy deficiency problem, dates back no farther than the movie ''Lifeforce'' which was created in 1985.

http://vector.bcm.tmc.edu ''endogenous retroviruses are a sub-category of oncoviruses that include the lentiviruses. endogenous retroviruses are negative single-stranded RNA viruses in which tRNA serves as a primer for the mRNA synthesis. The mRNA is then reverse transcribed into DNA, which is then integrated into the chromosome at a multiplicity of sites, particularly those that are transcriptionally active.''

The main reason behind why real vampirism isn't as widely believed as one would think, is due to a failure of the general public's' understanding of the endogenous retrovirus which for this website will be referred to as vHERV. A majority of the general public doesn’t believe, and do not want to believe, that human DNA can be altered in such a way to create such a being.

The term "Real Vampire" for purpose of this site is going to be used as a medical term and therefore must be separated from the "Vampire" myths, such as Dracula. A Viral Vampire is an infected human. Though the DNA in the host human has been greatly altered, the organism remains human in the medical sense, as the number of chromosomes have not been changed. The entire human race has the same number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is what separates humans and animals (except for those born with Down's Syndrome - these people have an extra copy of chromosome 21 but are, of course, human). It must be kept in mind that DNA can be altered in many ways. Many endogenous retroviruses can alter their DNA to become stronger and survive even more intolerable conditions. This is what happens with the human DNA with the vHERV endogenous retrovirus.

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Technically still human

Technically the Real Vampire is still a human. However, for sake of discussion let us think of vampires as non-human or as the next step in human evolution. This is difficult to believe because many of the attributes of a Real Vampire are considered far more developed than those of a human. Strength, speed, enhanced mental and/or psychic abilities, the ability to digest human and animal blood more efficiently are but a few of the differences. The reason this happens is the basic human DNA is altered by the endogenous retrovirus. The endogenous retrovirus, which we call vHERV, is NOT the same virus as HIV. To simplify, it is transmitted through a simple exchange of blood which can later be passed on either through birth or the more traditional way of an exchange of blood.

Through birth, the child inherits the retrovirus, passed on from the mother or father. The parent may have become infected with the endogenous retrovirus from some other member of their family such as a cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the retrovirus is passed onto the newborn. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., real vampires themselves. The passing of the endogenous retrovirus to the child from the parent produces a biological vampire child. The vHERV is passed onto the newborn much the same way the other seven endogenus retroviruses that separate humans from chimpanzees are passed from mother to child. Every normal human being all ready has ten endogenous retroviruses seven of which are shared with chimpanzees. The other three are only found in humans.

According to Yale university as well as other well respected universities these are the differences that make humans more evolved than the chimpanzee. In such a child, the endogenous retrovirus remains dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of hormones is believed to activate the endogenus retrovirus system. Meaning it really is not a stretch to say that introducing one or more new endogenous retroviruses to a human will cause them to become a vampire, in effect giving the vampire some definite new advantages




Vampire Myths and Facts.

18:06 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 460

The vampire myth/claim/belief myth, exaggeration, or fact, The real vampire explanation in detail.

Real vampires don’t need blood, they only need some part of blood, or just energy. myth A real vampire needs blood, but doesn’t need it for a psychological or medical reason, and at the same time gets a few perks.

For those who believe that having just an energy problem makes them a vampire, try looking into the classic symptoms for Hypochondria, Psychotic Depression, Reinfelds, Depression, Hypothyroidism, Insomnia, Sleep apnea, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka CFS, Fibromyalgia, Eating disorders, damage obesity does to the body, Porphyria, blood fetish, hemophilia, Myasthenia gravis, and Anemia, just to name a few. In other words if you think you are a vampire and your reason for thinking it is that you feel low on energy often, or for others who even have the thought that you need blood to feel normal. Then contrary to what people in the "vampire community" tell you, go see a medical professional, this includes the combination of seeing a psychologist and some one with a PHD and get checked. Not to mention if it was an energy reason, animal’s blood would not work half as well as it does.

Those who think blood is just a matter of being a nutritional source for real vampires. Keep in mind that nutritional supplement drinks today have much higher amounts of the nutrients and minerals that a person’s body needs than blood has. Nutritional supplements don’t have the same effects for real vampires as blood does for real vampires there for it is not a simple case of nutrition.

Real vampires can fly myth Real vampires can't fly, and neither can superman.

Do you believe every thing that you see in movies, or just the things that you see in vampire movies?

Sunlight kills real vampires extreme exaggeration Sunlight won't kill a real vampire.

However due to a heightened sensitivity to it, just like we have with basically everything else. It does cause an uncomfortable burn like feel, almost like what a normal person feels while they have sunburn. That feeling happens well before we have sunburn at all. It also makes us sunburn more quickly, and get severe migraines. Not to mention is very uncomfortable to a real vampires eyes, at times even while in a shadow during overcast weather. Getting blood on a regular basis helps counter this very effectively and for the average vampires it blocks the suns effects for about 2-3 days.

Real vampires are undead myth Real vampires are not undead creatures nor are they monsters.

This myth most likely comes from the Dracula stories that are only barely based on the real Romanian hero Vlad, and or from the medical condition known as Catalepsy.

Story goes Vlads death, happened at a fairly young age due to his own brother betraying him, resulting in his brother helping kill Vlad by encasing him in a casket and letting him die buried alive. After the clergy that used Vlad's brother as a pawn to make this happen knew that Vlad was dead, they made it quite clear to his brother what he had just done. The claim of vampires being undead branches from Vlad bones apparently not existing inside of the casket that he was buried alive in. Truth is the bones would not be in there because his brother after learning the truth would have dug him up, then given him a new casket and a proper burial to honor his brother Vlad.

This story in itself couldn’t be farther from the truth, For the true story about Vlad Tepes click the link.

Real vampires kill people for food or for blood. myth Real vampires today do not kill people for blood or for food. All real vampires for at least the past few decades receive blood only from willing donors while causing the very minimum amount of pain and in a lot of cases no pain at all. Back when superstitions, fears of witches, vampires, werewolves, zombies and other monsters ran rampant, basically back when it would have been impossible to get a willing donor, and forensics was virtually nonexistent real vampires distant ancestors most likely did kill for blood, however that no longer happens and hasn’t happened for quite some time.

Real vampires have fangs myth Lots of places and things say this about vampires. It’s hard to say where it comes from, however that doesn’t make it true. It could also come from every natural carnivore and every scary monster notoriously having big canines. Semi related real vampire’s canines do seem to get sharper by themselves when needed, however they are not insanely long and they do not grow.

Real vampires sleep in coffins / caskets myth Real vampires don’t actually sleep in coffins, that’s a myth based on the idea of vampires being undead.

Real vampires don't need sleep myth Real vampires do need sleep, and we do it in normal beds like everybody else does.

Real vampires only need blood, and don't / can't eat normal food myth Real vampires can eat everything that normal people can eat, and real vampires don't live on just blood.

Real vampires are immortal extreme exageration Real vampires are far from being immortal. However, we do age noticeably slower and we do survive a lot of things but not everything that a normal person should not be able to survive.




Knowing if your a Vampire.

17:57 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 463

Here are some traits of a real Vampire.

1. Do you have unusually pale skin? You don't have to be white to be pale. If yes then cook up one or two (depending on the size) medium rare steaks (the best way to do this) If, by the time you’re done enjoying the second one, you have a new pinkish color throughout your body that you haven’t had in a while, read no farther; you are a real vampire. Humans can’t digest blood let alone get color from it, real vampires do.

NOTE: The extra work involved in trying to eat medium rare or rare meat can cause a temporary pink color to the skin which is otherwise known as being flushed. Temporarily being flushed is not the color that is being referred to when a vampire gets color from the blood in the steak. It takes a lot less human blood than animal blood to get the same effect but animal blood is way easier to get.) If you were white before and still are you should see a doctor. Odds are you aren't a real vampire, you’re just malnourished, and they can help.

Have you ever been told by professionals that you’re lucky you survived an accident with only a few scratches or cuts?

Are you a naturally strong magic/energy user self-taught or self-realized?

As a kid, were you the strongest, smartest, or quickest kid in the class, and at around 16 years of age maybe all 3?

Did your dad disappear from your life while you were at a young age? (NOTE: 52% of vampires out of a large range of vampires have answered yes to this question. This includes people who believe they are real vampires however may not really be one.) Click for one theory on how this is vampire related: The Truth about the ''Vampire Community'' or Click here to give a response.

Do people often tell you that you look very young for your age, or that they would have never guessed how old you are?

Are you extremely energetic at night but around the time the sun comes up become extremely tired?

Are you a slightly quicker healer than most, if not a much quicker healer?

Do you have an unusually high tolerance to alcohol and other poisons/toxins?

Do you tend to switch between very social and antisocial frequently?

Do you rarely get sick, or when you get sick does your body recovers quicker than most people

Are your six senses more enhanced than most other peoples, i.e. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and intuition?

Do you have extremely good vision in the dark? How many times has some one said it’s too dark they can’t see while you were doing something like reading?

Do you tend to NOT be surprised or scared by the typical sudden loud noise in a movie or things like that because you sensed it coming?

Do you tend to react to things like catching a falling object or other normally unexpected things at an almost psychic speed? (As if you were expecting it to happen)?

Do you tend to get a high from human blood? When drinking someone’s blood do you tend to find yourself being able to do something that they could do (that you couldn't do) about 2 weeks after drinking it?

Are you sensitive to light or the heat from it? (Ranging from getting a bad headache from the glare to burning very easily.)

If, while your skin is white from lack of enough blood in you, do you bleed quite noticeably less than a person normally should, or more likely not bleed at all?

Are your nails clear like glass, yet very strong?

Is your bedroom the coldest and darkest room in the house?

A legitimate Vampire is able to safely digest more than 600% of the daily recommended amount of iron (RDA is 18mg. 600% of RDA is 108mg) when in the form of blood.


How often do you look at the person that almost bumped (or bumped) into you and think "you idiot” or “people are so stupid" because they didn't know you were only a couple feet away from them, because you always know when someone is that close to you? (Which, when you think about it, you only know because you can sense when someone is that close to you).

Do you always feel a strong urge to travel?

How often does something smell so strong that you can literally taste it, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing? (NOTE: When most people say it smells so strong that they can taste it they only say it as a figure of speech. And the people that agree with you when you say it rarely can taste it. Think I'm wrong? Ask them yourself!)

Can you hear a whisper from across a room?

Is there a dark colored ring around the iris (color part) of your eyes? All real vampires have this, however not everyone that has it is a real vampire.

Is there a noticeably different color surrounding the pupil? (Inner part of the color of your eyes.)

Do the words "come on outside, it's a nice bright sunny day, and there’s a lot of people out," seem more like a bad thing than a good thing to you, as opposed to the guy who said it to you, saying it with a big happy smile?

Regardless of how normal you may consider yourself to be, do you tend to meet a lot of weird people that you quite often hit it off with relatively frequently? (Keep in mind, normal is just a politically correct term for people that have no creativity. And definitely is NOT something to be proud of calling yourself).

Do you have a predator instinct that is so strong that it makes most people seem to act more like herbivores than the omnivores they consider themselves to be?

Does sunlight/bright light in general hurt your eyes and head, in most cases to the point of a migraine? (But you can still go out in it). See point 17.

Do electrical appliances generally tend to hate you? (Watches mess up often, computers malfunction for no reason, etc).

Are your dreams often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of déjàvu?

Do people often find you very empathetic to how they feel?

Do people usually either trust you completely or not trust you at all?

When you will things to happen do they usually happen?

Does your mood have an obvious effect on the mood of others around you? Only count this if it happens to the people that can’t see you. (Especially on babies and animals like cats).



03:17 Oct 17 2011

I found your article fascintating and just a bit disturbing. How many things do you have to answer yes to to be considered "one of the blood"?

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