The Egyptians used magic for both practical and religious purposes. They believed magic was a divine creation for the benefit of humanity. It was considered a field of knowledge just like architecture, literature, medicine, etc. It was just another category of knowledge to be used in coping with their environment and religion.
In our modern society, the word magic does not convey the force it did in the ancient Egyptian culture. To the Egyptians, magic was a real and potent force. It was a tangible means of communicating, manipulating, and controlling their gods. For example, their life depended on agriculture and thus the weather. Using magic to control the weather was important for their survival. Also, as we will be exploring, magic was essential after death for safe passage through the afterlife.
Examples of some important ancient Egyptian magic rituals concern defense against enemies. Wax or clay figures of the enemy were ritual destroyed. Also magic was used to keep away spiritual enemies (i.e. god's that were not favorable towards them or wanted to harm them). Also personal spells were used against someone's enemy. For example, there are spells that invoke evil gods to appear in a person's dreams. Also personal use of magic included the use of love potions. It usually consisted of some liquid or food that came with an incantation. To the ancient Egyptians, it would not differ much from a medical prescription. Remember, magic was just another field of knowledge like medicine and was very real to them.
The purpose of the magic was to compel the help of divine powers. Usually, the person carrying out the magic was identified by name with a deity to obtain from him the power of that god. Also the person might threaten that god with dire consequences if his demands were not met.
Many of the Egyptian gods were invoked using magic, but the most frequent god invoked was Isis, since she was the protector of her son (Horus), with whom the person seeking help would be identified with.
Dreams and Prophecy
Magic was also used for the prediction of the future. One way this was done was by asking the statue of a god which acted as an oracle. Also prediction of the future could be obtained through the interpretation of dreams. The Egyptians viewed dreams as a means in which the gods could make contract with humans. Another practice, known as "incubation", involves the sleeping in a temple in order to receive prophetic dreams from a god.
The following is an example of a dream interpretation taken from the Chester Beatty III papyrus.
"If a man sees himself in a dream slaughtering an ox with his own hand, good: it means killing his adversary.
"Eating crocodile flesh, good: it means acting as an official among his people.
"Submerging in the river, good: it means purification from all evils.
"Burying an old man, good: it means flourishing.
"Working with stone in his house, good: fixing a man in his house.
"Seeing his face in a mirror, bad: it means another wife.
"Shod with white sandals, bad: it means roaming the earth.
"Copulating with a woman, bad: it means mourning.
"Being bitten by a dog, bad: it means he will be touched by magic.
"His bed catching fire, bad: it means driving away his wife.
Amulets were also used for magical protection. They were used both by the living and the dead. Many amulets have been found in Egyptian tombs. These amulets are in the shape of gods, goddesses, animals, objects, parts of the body, etc. and were believed to contain special powers. Many amulets were wrapped up with the mummy. The mummy of King Tut is a good example and many such amulets were found wrapped in his mummy. Many different substances were also used in the making of amulets which included stone, wood, clay, etc. Since certain substances possessed certain powers, it was important to choose the right substance for a specific type of amulet. Magic writing was also considered an amulet and many such types of magical papyrus have been found in tombs. Thus, wearing of amulets during life was the means of seeking the gods protection and help. After death a special protection was also needed and we will be discussing this.
Use of Magic in Medicine
Medicine was practiced both on scientific and magical levels. Prescriptions also relied both on pharmacology and sympathetic magic. There were many spells to help cure snake bites. Also spells were used for childbirth, pregnancy, and conception. Many incantations have been found for birth, protection of babies, providing of milk, and defensive against childhood diseases.
Magic for the Dead
In the afterlife, it was important for the deceased to be equipped with magical spells for their protection. The earliest collection of such spells were found inscribed inside Old Kingdom royal pyramids. These are called "Pyramid Texts" since they were inscribed on the walls of the pyramids. Approximately 800 of these incantations have been found. Osiris first appears in these texts as the lord of the dead.
Initially, only the King had the promise of immortality. During the First Intermediate period, this promise started to be extended to a wider social class. Thus during this period there was an expanded collection of these incantations. In fact, more than 1100 spells have been found. These spells were now copied onto the interior surfaces of coffins. Thus these texts are referred to as "Coffin Texts". Many of these were basically guide books to the underworld so the spirit would not get lost.
Later, during the New Kingdom, these spells were copied onto papyrus scrolls and were available to anyone who could pay for them. We know these as the "Egyptian Book of the Dead". The Egyptians called it by its true name which is the "Book of Going Forth by Day". These books were not standardized and many variations occur. Thus, magic was important not only to the ancient Egyptian in this life, but also in the afterlife.
This is getting old that your making all these revenge profiles to give me 1's just cause you think your ex is with me. If I was her who would want to be with a loser anyways. I dont care about rating or levels but this as gotten old. I messaged radu because one this is getting old plus your making multiple regular accounts. Get a fucking life loser.
So sad that VR is your whole fucking pathetic life little man. Make all these revenge profiles you want, cause your just proving me right that your a little pussy and a fucking little baby.
Get your head out of the toilet and grow up and get a life you fucking retard.
Do this at your own risk.
Spell to Summon a Spirit
A round red cloth
Stray Goat hair
Black candles
Purple scented candles
White candle.
Draw a perfect circle 50 centimetres in diameter on sand. Place a round red cloth of any size in the centre. Sprinkle stray goat hair on it.
Place black, white and purple (cinnamon) scented candles around the cloth. Light them. Walk around it four times leaving behind footprints. Ensure that no footprint is erased from the sand. At the end of the fourth circle, raise hands up in the air, close eyes and say the following,
“Beyond life and death I stretch my hand,
Bring back the deceased to this earth, to this land.
Follow the footsteps I lay right here,
Float down to me through the fickle sand.”
Don’t perform this spell on any night other than a new moon night. The spirits are said to be the strongest around this time and one or the other can be easily summoned. Do not underestimate the power of the spirit so please make sure you concentrate on collecting your thoughts together properly. Do not run or be afraid of a spirit. To make it leave simply say
“As I repeat this new verse,
I undo this holy curse”
This is the type of Magik I do best. Im very good at my craft and if I stayed a little longer in New Orleans I would have become a Voodoo Priest. The spells you have seen in my journal are from the internet I just made them better. I can not put most of my Magik here because its far to dangerous for any of you to try.
Voodoo is the strongest of magick arts, together with black magik ANYTHING can be done.
Here is a Voodoo curse spell for those who want to try.
Cast a Voodoo Curse on someone
Incense sticks
Black candles
Black kohl
And an object belonging to the person in question.
Apply some black kohl to your eyes. And some beneath your eyes as well. Make a doll out of the mud . It does not have to look perfectly like a miniature replica of the person but a close contrast is desired. Now cover the doll with a cloth. If you wish to dress the doll up its fine. Light the black candles near the doll and place the doll in the middle of the circle of candles. Now light the incense sticks and place them in a ball of mud. Let them burn and spread the smell around. Take the sticks and make a cross next to the doll. Place the object that belongs t the person or has been touched by them at the centre of the cross. Now chant the following lines and prick the pins into the doll. This will ascertain that the person in question has been suitably enchanted.
“as I drive pins into this doll
may the man feel the pain
the man in flesh and blood
the man in vain”
Vodou (Also spelled Vodoun, Voodoo, and several other variants) is a syncretic religion combining Roman Catholicism and native African religion, particularly the religion of the Dahomey region of Africa (the modern day nation of Benin). It is primarily found in Haiti, New Orleans, and other locations within the Caribbean.
Monotheistic Religion:
Followers of Vodou, known as Vodouisants, believe in a single, supreme godhead that can be equated with the Catholic God. This deity is known as Bondye
Vodouisants also accept the existence of lesser beings, which they call loa or lwa, which are more intimately involved in day-to-day life, (as opposed to Bondye, who is a remote figure). The lwa are frequently invited to possess a believer during ritual so that the community can directly interact with them.
The relationship between humans and lwa is a reciprocal one. Believers provide food and other items that appeal to the lwa in exchange for their assistance.
Vilokan is the home of the lwa and the deceased. It is commonly described as a submerged and forested island. It is guarded by the lwa Legba, who must be appeased before practitioners can speak to any other Vilokan resident.
Animal Sacrifice:
A variety of animals might be killed during a Vodou ritual, depending upon the lwa being addressed. It provides spiritual sustenance for the lwa, while the flesh of the animal is then cooked and eaten by participants.
Rituals commonly involve the drawing of certain symbols known as veves with cornmeal or other powder. Each lwa has its own symbol, and some have multiple symbols associated with them.
Voodoo Dolls:
The common perception of Vodouisants poking pins into dolls does not reflect traditional Vodou.
Non-Standardized Practices:
There is no standardized dogma within Vodou. Two temples within the same city might therefore teach different mythologies and appeal to the lwa in different ways. As such, the information provided here cannot always reflect the beliefs of all Vodou believers. For example, sometimes lwa are associated with different families, Catholic saints, or veves. Some common variations are included here.
African slaves brought their native traditions with them when they were forcefully transported to the new world. However, they were generally forbidden from practicing their religion, so they started to equate their gods with Catholic saints and perform their rituals using the items and imagery of the Catholic Church.
Here is some information on the most misunderstood type of Magik there is.
The widely held image of Voodoo in the Western world is one of wax dolls with pins sticking out of them and black magic. Voodoo is, in fact, one of the world’s most ancient religions. Voodoo arrived in the West during the slave trading days. The basis of the religion came from Africa, but the Voodoo we now know was structured in Haiti. A variety of different ethnic groups amalgamated their religions and formed the Voodoo that is known today.
Voodoo is a West African word meaning 'spirit'; the original word was vodun. The basic ethos of the religion is that everything in the universe is connected. Nothing happens by chance in this world, and there are no accidents. Everything that you do to one person you are doing to yourself, because you are that person.
Voodoo ceremonies contain prayers, dancing and rituals. They also include animal sacrifices. The figure of the snake plays a major part in the rituals, and the high priest or priestess will embody the serpent’s power. Spirits of wealth, nature and happiness possess the bodies of believers at the ceremony.
Dancing and music are also major elements of the Voodoo ceremony. In the West, the dancing has often been portrayed as sexual, but that is not its main purpose. Dancing is a way to connect with spirits and the spirit world.
Voodoo is an important part of family life in any community that practices it. The high priest has a great deal of influence and gives spiritual advice when it is asked for. He or she is also seen as a healer and practices with herbs and medicines. The knowledge that the high priestess has gained will have been passed along through prior generations.
Practitioners of Voodoo also use spells. For the main part, these are spells used to evoke good, not harm. There are healing spells, love spells and spells to celebrate joy. The image of black magic and harmful spells was mainly founded by Europeans who had a distrust of anything African.
Voodoo is practised as a religion in a number of countries around the world. In Brazil, it is called Candomble, and in the Caribbean, it is called Obeah. In 2003, the government of Haiti sanctioned Voodoo as an official religion. Believers can now be baptized and married within the religion.
It has taken centuries for this official action to happen. Believers say it will take more than an official show of faith to make up for the persecution that followers of Voodoo have had to contend with. There are millions of people in Haiti alone who have faith in the religion.
Your like the biggest pussy on VR. You cant handle when you get a low rating so you have profile for revenge. And then you will talk shit and then block. I can be the nicest guy but piss me off to much and bring out my dark side that would be so stupid on your part little man. Your like that baby in my profile and thats all you are.
03:41 Nov 14 2011
wonder how the Egyptians would read my dreams. Go ANcient Egypt!