I really hate not being able to pierce myself....Damn self-preservation!
Oh beau, you do realize its a standard joke with me now, but thanks for letting me know anyway!
I just want to lean on someone for a while, I don't want to have to be strong all the time.
I'm tired!!!
So when do you know someone has crossed the line, and that you are just not over reacting?
Cause I want to do the right thing.... I really do, I just don't know what the right thing to do is!
Today is a very proud day for me. Twice in the last 2 days I have been acknowledged for my work in surface piercings by 2 of the most respected people in the industry in our area. One saying that I "Specialise in surface" and was telling a client that they should come and get work done by me.
No one will ever know what this means to me, to be recognized in my own field by my own peers.
So we are both sore, as we did each other, hungry, cause we can't swallow, tired, cause we can't sleep, a bit snappy, but it hurts to talk...... and as soon it heals a bit, we will be doing it all again. lol!
I wish I could put into words what I am feeling right this second.
Nothing makes you feel more wanted than being left to spend the night in your broken down car on the side of the road, by yourself, in the middle of nowhere, after 18 calls for help! ~sighs~
and the worst part is you know that you could have avoided half of it by not going out when your gut told you not to I have so been in your place
I don't like her talking to me...she's too friendly, and I'm not sure why, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable.
And I'm not sure what she knows either!
So my tattooing is coming along, this is the last one I did, it looks beautiful on him. I wish the camera on my phone took a better photo, and that you could see it flat but since it's on the top of his foot, thats kind of hard. lol!
But after doing this I have come to the conclusion that it's piercing that I love and I will let him do the tattooing and scarring, though now we are starting to get into implantation, thats going to me my turf. :D
I am loving this, having someone who pushes me to take to next step, and is here, ready and game enough to take it with me.
This is a exciting time to be doing Body Modification.
That looks good hon :)
I'm coming down there and letting you tatt or pierce me lol :p
That looks sweet.
To Person 1 ~ So you do something that you once judged me so harshly for, and for some reason this made me smile.
To Person 2 ~ I see you falling apart, I knew it was only time.
To Person 3 ~ I am starting to move my things out, if I cut my ties, it won't make what I am going to do so bad.
To Person 4 ~ Your voice made my day.....please call again soon, I think I know what I'm doing now!
confused, confused, confused, confused, confused, confused, confused, confused.........
And I have a feeling you are too!
Too many changes, too many situations, too many feelings, too many thoughts, now are you here too much?...it's all making my head spin!!!
I don't like people asking me where you are when I don't know myself!!!
I know I am always the last person to see you and for that I am greatful that it is me you choose to be with, but it still hurts when you aren't here with me.
I miss you!!!!
My sisters birthday tomorrow, the anniversary of her death was yesterday!!!
What does that make today?