Thank were the beginning of the end, to you it may been nothing but you changed my life, you made me see and left me wanting more... I carry a reminder, sometimes I hate it, sometimes I love it...but I can never forget it!
And as I close that door, I just want to say thank you!
So he wants my son there too....I told him we were a 2 for 1 deal and that I wont going anywhere without him!
He already knew that was the case!
"Stop Stressing"
"But its my son, and Im moving him far far away!"
"you know he's aways been welcome...always has been, always will!"
Nothing made me smile more yesterday than driving past my husband knowing that out of anger he started this war, but what he started, I finished, and as for playing fair, I was more than happy to be reasonable, I have been all this time, but dare threaten and try to screw me over....I can play his game, but can play it far better!
If you threaten to sell the house and leave me with nothing..... I clean out the bank, take everything I want out of the house, putting it safely in storage then go and put the house up for sale....all while your at work!
Might of been a empty threat to him....but I follow things through!
When asking the cards I got the same card, twice. Then my friend did the reading for me asking the same question and got the same its is pretty obvious that is the card for me and this situation....the card was Lovers!Guess who the question was about!
losing him isnt what making me do this.....
its losing him as well
im done
Everything that is happening in my life finally took its toll, last night I reached braking point, living in a car, feeling incredibly sick and freazing cold, I lay there waiting to die. The worse thing about reaching braking point was waking up this morning and finding that nothing had changed, except my phone has now had all the numbers deleted from it and a really really really bad head ache on top of my already feeling sick!
He seems to be debating against his own believe system with me, I really think he is in a place atm and it is starting to worry me a little!
He has turned into a fortune cookie, I swear and it is driving me crazy!
Looks like I have the shop for another year....
Hi ho, hi to pierce I go!
I woke up to a "wow I think things are going to be ok!" feeling this morning.
It lasted exactly 3 hours then went!
But it left the rather empty..."I really don't think I give a fuck" feeling instead.....
I don't know if that's a improvement or not!
"Your've proven that...your the strongest person I know"
"I don't want to be strong any more, I'm tired...I'm mentally and emotionally tired...and why do I have to always be the one who has to fight, I don't want to fight any more...I just want to lay my head down knowing that someone has my that too much to ask for"
I miss him, I miss us, I hate that he means so much to me, I worry that I have that much influence in someones happiness, I don't like the situation, I hate how I can't change it....what I wouldn't give for a normal life right now!
Last time there was a flood I got stranded in right..... well this time about 5 hours into the 9 hour drive I brake down in the middle of no where having to spend another night on the side of the freeway till some guy pulls over at dawn and helps me get started...I messaged him saying
"Babe I think the universe is trying to tell me something"
He replied with some shit on being in control of the universe.
I messaged back saying "Let me just ponder on that while stuck on the side of the road, fuck knows where!"
I finally get down there 12 hours later than expected, and things were great..amazing even...til things went pear shaped, and could I car was in the mechanics getting fixed!
If we ever work our shit out...I swear it will be one of those stories you tell your grand kids about!