I'd do anything to know how to make things right....I don't know who to fix this!
His mood swings confuse me...I know detoxicing is hard, and that our life is alittle strange, so I tell him I love him, that no matter what I am here for him, what else can I do...and now other people around are getting confused by his actions, which is good in a way, cause I thought it was just me there for a while....but I can't force him to be what everyone (including me) wants him to be...I just want him to be happy again.....
Things are so bazaar and all I can think of is that I miss talking to you, I miss your advice, I miss your smart ass comments, I miss your humor, I miss your wisdom, I miss that you once cared enough to reach out to me.
I have people all around me that tell me they love me...but I miss how you understanded me more than they ever will!
I can't believe how much I miss it....I think I have come to terms with the fact that I will never have it again....but it still doesn't sit well, in fact it devastates me....but I know its my lot in life and no matter how much I don't want this, it's just the way it is!
Funny how much confusion one can have in ones life....I use to try and work things out, now I just let it all happen around me...it all seems too hard and to much thinking to make any of it seem alright, I might make abit of a effort to clean up a situation abit, but if it gets too much like hard work I give up and see if it falls into place by itself......so far.....not so much!
19:40 Mar 01 2009
I can empathize..