Veela's Journal

Veela's Journal


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6 entries this month

01:42 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 641

Insecurities in yourself really can mess up your relationships...but the people in your life who really do love you will understand, will be there for you, listen to your fears you and help you work out your issues...these are a what true friends are......and I am so blessed that I have someone like that in my life and that he and his mum have welcomed me into their family!

I truely love them!




02:14 Aug 12 2009
Times Read: 651

I have a story to tell...I owe this to my friends on here who have watched my highs and lows and those who have followed my life up to this point. If anyone feels they get a hint of bragging or whatever you think the nature of me writing this is in, that it is anything more than what it is, I don't know what to say, but if you don't know me, maybe you should stop reading before you get too far into it.

The doof was everything that I knew it would be...everything that I loved....the music, lights, friends and drugs...and lots of them! A place where you can openly do anything cause everyone else is doing it too!

It started well....these things always do....and as the night rolled on so did my intake of what ever was offered to me, I think in total I had taken 9 different substances, many of them more than one dose, no food and very little water....I have done this many times, and I know my body well enough in a drugged up state to know what I was doing...or so I thought!

But as dawn broke I started to feel like I needed some time out, so I went to my van and laid down thinking I would sleep it off and wake up abit sober, but as I laid there I knew something wasn't right and that I needed to get some help, fast.

I made it over to where my friends were and asked for one to get Mikey (A good friend who knew what I had been taking, knew how I reacted to stuff and who I knew would look after me) He was like "no, you'll be ok" I looked at him and go "no...something is really wrong...either you get Mikey or you get me a ambulance" so off he ran, coming back minutes later with Mikey and another friend in tow.

They started to feed me banana and O.J. but it wasn't doing anything and I knew this was it!

I asked Mikey to take me to hospital...and even as I said the words I knew they wouldn't, it was the unwritten law, a law we all live by!

I will never forget the feeling of me kneeling on the ground, feeling the pain of my heart slowing and wanting to stop, and the strange calm of knowing this was the end...I looked up at Mikey and told him I was dieing...he held my shoulder and told me to hang on...that I couldn't die, to fight it, that I wouldn't die.

I have always played with the thought of death....it has never worried me, I liked the idea really, death was something to look forward to...but as I knelt there, all I could think of was the sadness it would bring to my Mum, my Daughter, my Son, and I felt their confusion....and all I wanted to do was live...."how sad" I remember thinking "now I am going to die, I want to live more than anything I have ever wanted...and now its too late"

And I never thought I would fight so hard not to die!

I will spare you the details of the next few hours...but mostly for me, I would like to be able to hold my head up high and no-one needs to know how low I sunk... in saying that I can say I spent the next 3 hours trying to hold on to reality and gain some sort of control over my body again.

So what have I learnt from this...

I have learnt that I don't want to walk around in a zombie like state anymore, I want to be able to feel, not be numb to every emotion, feeling and memory.

I have learnt the moderation is the key.

That I have put not only myself but others at risk through the many stupid actions I have done in the past.

And more than anything....I learnt...I want to live!

So say what you will, write what you want , for nothing you say, I haven't already said to myself... and no, I don't think I have walk away from this experience Scott free...I think my eyes will never be the same, that I have done some permanent damage to them...either that or in time my body will heal them...maybe its all the shit that is still in my system, either way, its a small price that I have had to pay for the lesson that needed to be learnt!

3 Days Clean.



03:41 Aug 12 2009

OMG Girl!!! I knew something was wrong since you have been MIA for several days! I am so relieved to know you are doing well!!! Luv ya bunches!!!!!


05:28 Aug 06 2009
Times Read: 660

I've written this before.....I know I have, and always in the past it has turned out the way I wanted it to....but I can't live in limbo anymore...and the next conversation we have, will determine it all....and as worried as I am to say these things....they have to be said...for my own sanity sake, so I can get on with my life with or with out him!



21:15 Aug 06 2009

I think he is half stringing you along....at his convinience, not yours

05:19 Aug 07 2009

Deed is done! *sighs*


07:23 Aug 05 2009
Times Read: 664

Ooooo....A doof to go to (music below)...how did I forget that?




07:34 Aug 04 2009
Times Read: 667

With a promise of partying hard, my world suddenly seems hopeful...for no one does it like we do and no one can keep it up like we can and there is nothing in the world like walking out of the club just as the sun is rising....that alone doing it every morning for months on end....when you spend every night at the clubs because you have no where else to go, and the days are spent curled up somewhere, nothing is like being a child of the night, homeless and care free!

I had a good look at my-self in the mirror and saw what I have become. I'm pale and the sun hurts my eyes and burns my skin, and the way that we live make us crave protein, and even then we cant take in enough meat....we get enough sleep in just a few hours...3 or 4 does it...our senses are more alert and we have got higher than a normal person could ever dream.....I looked into his eyes and said "we've really fuck it for ourselves haven't we....how can we ever be with a normal person again, how can we have a relationship with someone who has never felt this, and how can we go back to a normal life now we have experienced this?"




06:00 Aug 03 2009
Times Read: 668

Im so incredibly fed up with everything!

Im fed up with not knowing my future...and Im fed up with people trying to tell me that no ones future is sure...thats all nice and fine them saying that....they're sitting in their nice comfy home, with their bed, fridge, chairs, tv...everything they own to make there everyday life livable.....here I am...and now I am dragging my son along with me to fuck knows where.....and with no fucken guarantee that anything is going to be ok!

I want to be stable!



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