VanguardingVeracity's Journal

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Can't Terrorists and Sociopaths Just Get Along?

06:05 Sep 22 2009
Times Read: 535

Do you ever wake up and realize that every ideal you ever stood for is, for lack of a better word, fucked up? ... I don't mean fucked up in the sense that there's something wrong with it. What I mean is how insanely skewed and twisted it is. Can it *even* be considered what the cliche wants it to be? Or have you created something different -- a monster -- in your head and just using those cliche ideals to cover up the hideousness of your self-made vichyssoise? ...

I'm not libertarian. I am not democrat. I'm more anarchist than I am liberal but more conservative than anything else.

I was having a discussion about why V and Rorschach wouldn't get along with someone on livejournal. And I'm all ears for it. I'm calm and amiable about getting the information to better judge and muse over it on my own terms. Everyone would be proud of me -- I know I certainly am, because, as everyone knows, these discussions -- especially about things I'm passionate about, can often be very hard to swallow; stubborn people will not budge for shit. They will stick to their beliefs even if they have to die for them. (V and Rorschach) The points she made were all valid, I suppose, but I have to disagree with them -- except for one. It doesn't matter who the hell it is, if they talk bad about Evey, they're going to get their freshly broken arms pulled from their sockets.

Even in the graphic novel of Watchmen, it was implied that all there is to an ink blot is strict black and white -- grey is non-existant. You're either right or you're wrong. Understandable. But, there was something that a character mentioned in the book that I couldn't agree with. Maybe I'm just bias towards Rorschach being as endearing and lovable as he can be and to have him believe in something like that ... hm. I'll have to sift through the book for a better analysis before I disagree with that point entirely -- and actually get the point down.

By the end of her letter, she thinks that V and Rorschach would be enemies and that Rorschach is more akin to Norsefire.

But let me just set that notion straight: There is a big difference in being Right Wing -- even an extremist Right Wing and Totalitarianism.

I think that's what messes people up -- so easy to misconstrue Norsefire with the republican party. Sure, that may be where its orgins derived from but if you want to compare -- compare it to Hitler's regime. That's where Alan Moore got the inspiration for it anyway.

I think the main concern is this individual has written Rorschach -- and V -- whereas I just write V. Honestly, I don't have it in me to take on another character -- especially someone as dark as Rorschach. V is enough. And it would take even more considerable time (years) to get his character even remotely acceptable to the masses. And then how much of V would be left afterward? I couldn't do that to myself.

It really took me aback when she juxtaposed V and Rorschach as, basically, liberal and conservative. It shook me bad, actually. But I think their worlds must be considered in the grand scheme of things. V was fighting against *totalitarianism* ... In any form, it's immorally monstrous. But does that make V an automatic libertarian Left-wing Democrat? I dont' think so. Change for the better does not mean change every time you turn around. Doesn't that sound familiar? ...

She also mentioned that the movie fucked up Rorschach's character. For someone who's praised the movie as if it were a religion, I have to nearly swallow my tongue at that. In my opinion, there's hardly any difference between the book and movie. I will fight people to the end if they so challenge me about the movie being crappy or not good enough. I think the movie is the greatest adaptation of a book in the history of adaptations. Zach Snyder deserves far more praise than he's been fucking getting.

Maybe that is my general flaw -- I can never see the difference in things. I'll muse on it at a later date, but know that I'm giving her ideas a chance. Older V would've just dropped the conversation on its head and left it alone in a pile of its own blood. But new V ... will graciously take all things into consideration, even the notion that a terrorist and a sociopath can't get along.

But in my mind, they always will. There's too many qualities they share to have them act all V and Phantom towards each other.

"Never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon." ... And they never did -- even when V was tempted by love and Rorschach by a lie to save people.

Truth above anything else ... even life.



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