Oh, my back is killing me, my fingers are black and blue and the rugs are killing my asthma. Can't wait till this job is done. Today I have to finish the living room. I hate apartment living. I need to live on a farm, literally.
The Kindred , the miniseries, was on today. God, I loved that show. It was too bad the the star died in a tragic accident that they couldn't continue the series. Julian Luna was an awesome Prince no offense to Cancer intended. I love the Ventrue clan.
I've owned the series for years. Julian Luna, portrayed by my beloved Mark Frankel.... such a loss :(
He actually died on a very limited edition Harley Davidson.
Been busy putting rugs down so the troll downstairs stop complaining about noise. Complains if we walk, talk, our birds chirp or use the bathroom. Bitch needs to die or live in a bubble on a mountain. When we finish the job, I swear I'm going to stomp, roll and dance and the bitch can't complain because I'll be in compliance with the lease
Thats why I try and get one above a model or were no one is under me, if so i hate walking on egg shells. I've had one like you did, the night before I moved, i had a big party and was as load as I could be. Have a large and load party that seems to anger them more
My little Smell the Cheese account on Twitter landed me and my girl some press passes to a cheesey scifi movie called Alien Trepass. They made us line up like a government cheese line. Pretty funny since I am called "smell
the cheese". As for the show, I wouldn't spend the money for it but it was definitely cheese material. It was produced and directed by a former X-Files director. It starred the guy from Will & Grace. We got to meet the director. He is a big cheese fan who loves old style 50's scifi. That's what he was aiming for. It was a fun night with the wife. The monster looked like a giant penis with a giant eye, lol
My Smell the Cheese on Twitter has panned out almost 700 followers. I was able to get press passes to a cheesey scifi movie about aliens. We get to meet the director and all. Should be fun.
yay, a date! Do I go with the Endorian look or regular clothes/
cool, have fun!
Thank you my coven, Inari and Stikki's coven for looking out for my boy. It was awesome that you guys respected his wishes and each other to make him happy and not step on anyone's toes. Very cool! That's why you are great coven families and great people.
I think the pig is worried about logging in. He saw his status was at 80%. He logged off quickly, lol
piggeh piggeh piggeh? O.o
The Pig.... which one is the pig, I know we have a zoo here, but I ain't ever seen the freekin' pig!
I found myself thinking about that tiny little baby. All of 1 pound, 7 oz. There was no news at Ro's school. No calls or messages were returned. Hope all is well. They say no news is good news. Let's hope.
What baby? Your baby?!!?
I hear he is holding his own, a real fighter
14:23 Mar 28 2009
Invite your friends round and have a jumping up and down party lol