I hate when the dogs hide their chew toys in your bag and then you go out somewhere and you pull out a chew toy. My wife finds them in her bookbag at work. I HATE THAT SHIT.
I hate when I hide toys I bought for the dogs and they always find the shit. They know the damn bags. They found their Christmas stockings before I hung them up. Hell, they went into the bedroom and sniffed out the bags. We put a stuff animal under the tree and the dog took it and was playing with it. I HATE THAT SHIT.
I hate when people say they are coming to your house, they don't show and you are eating all the food for a week. OR when they show up unexpectedly and you are siiting around in your skivies with your laundry hung up all over the place. I HATE THAT SHIT
I hate when I finish in the bathroom and realize there is no more paper left. WTF, stinking bitch used it all. What do I use, a sock? I hate that.
What's with these damn ads? I added a background to my profile and it came with a ad. WTF! And to boot it was so small, I didn't even notice till I was suspended. Those sneaky bastards put them so small that you can't even see them. I think I will use a paper bag for my background. It's safer than getting these add ons.
Is there some kind of discrimination here or what? No one wants a donkey in a coven. I am house trained. I hate that!
What is this about being blinded in a coven? I thought the person was really blind. I thought ok, I have to write in braille or something. WTF
I hate that song. No one ever wants to sing about donkeys. Is it too hard to say "HeeHaw"? I hate that.
I hate furballs when they get caught in your throat. I hate hacking. AND I HATE EATING GRASS. I hate that shit.