VampyerJuliet's Journal

VampyerJuliet's Journal


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The Beginning

16:28 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 627

Some call it patriotic; to volunteer to fight for ones country, but I have always has seen it, as a death wish. Though Neilson swore to me that he loved me, and I try my hardest to believe it. You see, I did not have the same woes as most soldier’s wives, no mine were much worse, for my husband was fighting for the North. The constant worry of someone finding out was always on my mind. Knowing that not one word could be uttered because the second anything escapes your lips, in this town, every women would know about it, even if it were spoken in the confines of your own home. That is why I myself was the only one baring such a burden.

It was a Wednesday. For the past three day -and today as well -you could hear a battle raging just outside the town. The ground shook as canons were fired and the balls landed, then the women of the town would sent up silent prayer that it was not any one they knew ,that was destroyed by that shot.

We were very low on food and other things as well so I had no chose but to brave the outdoors and hurry to the store. As I quickly walked through the desolate street the sounds of war were more prominent which made it all the more heartbreaking. I suddenly heard the sound of hooves coming towards me, which was odd because the only men who ride horses here are at war, if not already dead. When I looked up I saw a powder blue uniform coming my way. As it came closer I notate a golden sash around his waist signifying a general, a confederate general to be exacted. I stiffened in worry like every women dose, afraid of bad news. The man was tall and wore a crisp clean uniform - it look as if he had never been in battle- yet his eyes did, they were pearsing, cold and grey. The man was noticeably proud - but who wouldn’t be when riding such a fine horse.

“Were my I Find the Swenson residents Mama” the General said arrogantly in his southern twang.

“I go by that name sir” I answered ignorantly back. The General’s face went from what he must have considered a civil face to crudely evil sneer, I was taken back.

“Trader” he spat and hurled a musket and blood drenched hat at me. I landed on the ground and them in my lap. When I looked down I notates that the hat was not Union but Confederate and I stated to sob. Not because I was called a trader or that someone found out that Neilson was fighting for the North. No, none of that mattered now, he was dead.

I could already hear the women in town talking, speculating what happened. Did I know? Is he dead? What will happen to her? But none of it mattered.

“The house! Mama!” The general snapped impatiently. I stopped crying, numb and confused by his remark. What would this man want with my house? I could think of a reason.

“My house?” I asked dazed. The General growled and yelled at the man that was suddenly behind him, “Find it! Burn it!” then he turned back to me, staring with the ice of his grey eyes, “all of it!” The man behind him looked only my age, just barley an adult. His eyes were wide and stared straight at me yet the rest of his face was a smooth unrevealing mask. I stared back hoping that he would make some kind of stand, the sadness that lied in his eyes -of at least a year of war- broke me down and I went back to morning my husband.

“Major General Wheeler, if there are civilians in there?” the man asked in a surprisingly firm, emotionless voice still staring at me. General Wheeler turned back to the man, “ALL OF IT” he spat; the young man gave a firm node and rode off. It took a few slow seconds for me to understand what they had meant, and then it hit as if someone had shot a canon ball right at my stomach. I screamed trying to get up, trying to worn my sister, my children, my reason for living. By the time I got there it was too late, the house was already fully blazed - though that didn’t matter to me. I still ran to the door, I still tried, but before I got there a man grabbed me. I squirmed and screamed but his grip was like iron. I finally gave up; know happily that I would not have to live much longer, know that I will join them soon.

The time dragged on the man and I watched until the last amber went cold. As I watched I noticed that the man who was holding me was the same one that was ordered to destroy everything that I cared about. I waited for him to take me to the tree that would so graciously end this hell, but he didn’t. Instead he waited until we were alone. One by one the officers left with their lost of interest. Then he did something curies, he scoped me into his arms and ran. He ran like his life depended on it -which probably did - he continued running until we were deep in the dense Georgia woods. Only then did he stop. He sat me down agents one of the many trees and I waited for an explanation of his insanity.

That year was 1864 and I lived in the south - Georgia to be exact. The heavy winter was starting to set in and I was alone. No, I was not alone for I have two beautiful children Charlotte which was two and Gabriel which was not but three months of age. I had my sister with me while Neilson was away - or as we had liked to say. He really was at war and I was so lonely without him. We had only just started a family before he left. Volunteering so eagerly as if he couldn’t wait to leave me, but he said he must fight for what’s right. Or so that was my life until everything was turned upside down.




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