Please feel free to message me about my book as it is so far. I will hopefully be able to write more to it, but I need suggestions. I'm currently having writers block with it. I would love you to give suggestions and whatnot. Also, it is still untitled, but I wish to finish the book before titling it.
Wiked Wonkette
Ok... so this is my first journal entry. I'm prolly gona end up posting what I have so far of a book I'm writing... and I kinda need help with it. I have 2 chapters so far.. and I can't seem to write anymore... because I'm not exactly sure of what to write. I would love help from you guys if you are willing to help with it. I'll post them later today. Also, for those of you who have rated my profile/portfolio, I thank you. You are very kind in comments you have left me and you all tell me to ask you if I need help. This would be a big help for me. Please comment on my book as it is so far, once I post them. Thank you again. I love you all!