Im quite angered over recent events that have happened with in the past few days.
Turns out my slack ass bum of a brother will b moving back in with us,which as Im sure you can tell by now Im not to happy about it at all.
First off I have to drive all the way for atlanta,georgia to get him and drive all the way back,then to top that off Ive made plans with my girl that day,so Im hoping and he better be praying that we make it back on time.
Theres more to why I dont like my brother so much and I will go into it little and kepe it short,dont feel like wasting my time on it or typing so much.
Hes the kind of person that expects everything from some one,never does anything for himself,expects things to be handed to him,blames everything and anyone then him self,always right now matter what etc etc etc,hes alot like my father which I cant fucking stand my father and Im not about to go into all of that either another time another place.
Besides all the fun and interesting news,Im hoping by the beging of next week or with in the next couple of weeks Ill be back in school and working part time,hopefully.
And to bring this lovely journal entry to an end,after this there will be no telling when I will be able to get on.
Until another night everyone,...
Take care,...
And enjoy your nights to come,...
well Ive just about had it with my car,fucker broke down on me again at one of my friends house two counties from mine,...Tried working on it the best I could and couldnt get it runing,so eventually I had to call a tow truck driver to come out and tow and it took him I dont know how long ot get out there,and it wasnt no joy ride coming back with him and my car,cant say I was in a very good mood at all that day,..And Im going to have to pay a good bit of change to get the fuck working again,Id really like it if it stop braking down on me so mcuh,..I was half tempted in trading it in,even went looking for some used cars,found a couple but still way out of my price range,lol...
Other then that things have been hectic in yet slow at the same time,weird no?
Im not going to try to explain,...
Finally got to play my guitar after I long absence from it,and I must admit I kicked ass,lol...
Havent really been able to write anything though,I think Im in some what of a writers block I guess you could say,it sucks everything Ive tried writting just seems like shit to me,maybe its just me,who really knows,...
Thats pretty much it that I can think of,...
Right now Im just listening to some metal trying to stay awake,trying to think of something to do,...anyway Im going to go
Evening to all who may come upon this and decide to read it in full...Ive been away for a awhile because my computer decided to crash on me in more simple words,and it took them a week to get it fixed and have it returned to me...Other then that Im going to be going back to school at a couple of community collages for some courses that Ive been interested in,the coolest thing about it though is im not going to have to pay one cent to do so...The only thing that worries me alittle is its been so long since Ive even set foot in a classroom,but Im twenty years old and have no form of education,which it embarasses me to say so,but thats how things work...As far as any other entries in my poems section or any others is an undetermined thing,I do have new matairel to put in it but theres no telling when Ill get around to it,because and it may come as no surprise to anyone Im usually pretty busy everyday doing something...But thats really only for the people who may keep up with my journal which there arent that many,lol...But oh well...Its a guessing game with me as it always will be...until then I wish you all well and do enjoy your nights to come.....