I am not deleting my profile but I am going to take a break for a little while from VR. Going through this vampire maturing still and fangs are starting to hurt yet again probably worse even. The hunger is still hard to handle and all. I may not be signing in for about a week or so depends on how I will be feeling.
I am sorry but I am sick of some people thinking its so cool to be a vampire and are all like " Ohhh I want to be one so bad can you turn me please?" No I will not turn anyone... No you do not want to be a vampire just because you think its "cool" to be one or whatever. If you truly knew what it was like being one you would not wish it on anyone else. Its not all yummy blood and I'm awesome because I am a vampire. It's more like suffering from intense hunger one you can't control and it gets worse and worse each time you are maturing. If you really want to suffer for the rest of your life theres something seriously wrong with you...
It was even more enjoyable with all the people hyped up on music! I loved it so much what a wonderful feeling. I was feeding off of the energy of the people and the music going through me. I had so much energy but also once I had gotten home it seemed to ware off...