i sit on the side of the lake
watching the water in silence
then i see a small ripple
and watch how it grows
while im sitting there i think
how thet simple little ripple
reminds me of how such small things
can turn into giant ones
one small thing
like a parents divorce
is so small at the begining
but grows into a big problem
eventurally the ripples of life go away
and life returns to normal
that is how life is like a simple lake
it always returns to normal
Stuck in this classroom
all day love
and as the day progresses
my life goes all wrong
my music gets taken away
along with my book
now all thats left for me to do
is out the window to look
i get bored of that quickly
so i sit here and write
put my negative thoughts on paper
then later turn them into a kite
i wil make the kite later
and fly it in the air
and let go
and watch my troubles disapear
your writing impresses me
Only if life was that simple huh?
im sorry that im not perfect
but what is perfect anyway
an hour glass figure
perfect hair and teeth
no glasses and long nails
what about inside huh?
what is classified as "perfect" inside
is it no problems
allways keeping a positive attitude?
im sorry to say but
no matter what.
they may seem to have a perfect life
but inside they may be miserable
before you judge someone look on the inside
because the person who has everything
may be seriously depressed
and the person who has nothing
may be the happiest anywhere
That was BADASS!!!
amen sister!
Nice words
Very well written
amens my frend you have pation on what you right witch means you have also been hert.... well done on getting thru what ever it was ok and good luck
I love it
couldn't have said it better myself!!!!
Yes, very true indeed.
look at the bird
up in the sky
flying so high
and free
having no cares
no worries
no thoughts
jsut flying through the air
a beautiful sight
i close my eyes then and think
wouldnt it be wonderful
to be that bird
to fly away from all thats wrong
never to look back
One day you will grow your wings and fly away. Life now is hard for you...but look forward to the day it gets better.
one day we can all look back, and sigh in relief.
With this goblet
Filled with wine
I beseech thee
Arise and be mine
With this candle
Made of wax
I beseech thee
Come as I ask
With this knife
I draw my blood
I beseech thee
Arise from the mud
With these tears
Streaming down my face
I beseech thee
Come out of thy case
With this heart
Broken in my chest
I beseech thee
Come out of thy rest
Ok, I don't know who told you that you couldn't write, but they were fuul of shit. You just got across pure emotion in what you wrote. Desire. Lonliness. Calling out for this mysterious being to come and fill some emptiness that is within you.
At least that's the feeling it gives me. EXCELLENT WORK!!! Don't stop!
wow... now nowing this is for your brother, it really tears at my gut. He'd be proud of you.
Very awesome job... You are talented... Your writing is with so much depth and intensity.
Your writing is excellent.
Very nice poem.
i always look for him
where ever i go
and then i see him
my face falls oh no
you have your arms around her
making out right in the hall
she is the biggest slut ever
and we are friends thats all
i run to the bathroom
go in the stall and cry
what the hell is wrong with me
why did i ever try
ever time i see him now
i wonder why
all i did was love him
and he jsut made me cry
Interesting indeed
It seems to me that you have no trouble writing what's in your heart. Which has obviously been broken at least once. I really look forward to reading more.....there WILL be more, right?
Your writing is so heartfelt.
All of your poetry is lovley dear.... but i love this one. Keep it up ur doing a great job.
this is awesome and one of the best i have read .
that's really good
well, most guys like sluts cuz most guys like sex so self-explainatory lol
Sadly a good portion of men are like that, I do not agree with such things, one must look past him, he was not meant for you, and clearly you deserve something much more, someone far more rare. great poem.
23:11 Jun 20 2008
nice i love it
23:32 Jul 12 2008
o my god that is amazing you are so right though some time the ripple changes what normal is
17:01 Sep 08 2008
i like that, and, i have alot of idea's of what it means too.