such good news.Starfire is paying for our tickers in full!!! and we have a guaranteed place to stay
Tony may know someone who is willing to help us.i get to be with him
You know i will never leave you behind. and so does my adopted mommy.
she understands, and agrees i should NOT leave you behind if i love you this much!
ok so i was in my first ever car crash on sunday. there were 4 of us my fiancee, me and 2 ppl we met on the streets...well..we were in their car and they jsut got into this huge fight. the male was driving and we were on the free way doing about 70-80 mph. he was trying to merge into the fast lane and didnt see a car in his blind spot. so he over corrected and hit one guard rail, did a 360, clipped the other car, hit the guard rail on the other side. and we did 2 flips..the hood never touching the ground. it was cool but kinda scary. if it wasnt for my Fiancee i would be dead now
Oh wow, you were lucky... and that's certainly an experience you won't soon forget!
i loves you.
that crash was FUCKING FUN!!!!!
all due to Linda throwing a fucking candy bar out the fucking window.
ok ppl. some of you know who im engaged to. if not..figure it out on your own but i am acctaully happy with how he treats me if you have antything bad to say about him. dont tell me. its going to be on deaf ears
What yew say?
-turns up hearing aid-
Oh, Thats ME!
wait....Now i just went and made it too damn easy fer them slightly dumber people.
20:36 Jan 21 2010
Unless you piss them off.....