It appears that when life seems to be at it's lowest state, things turn around.....and then, almost instantly, the universe proves you wrong, and you realize that nothing's've just learned to deal with it.
I saw my ex yesterday. The strange thing is...he's turning out to be my best friend. I know him. I trust him. Why shouldn't I? I mean, I let him **** me when we were together....
I just find it rather ironic that now, 1 1/2 years after we were together, we're starting to get close. I want him around. He wants me around. That's all there is to it....isn't it?
There's a lot more to it.
Like, one. Not only do I want him around me because he has a way of making me feel like it's alright, and that my life is not a waste of space and energy in the cosmos. But I also want him around because of, (what I think is) the most natural reason of all.....I am sexually attracted to him. Which may turn out to be a bad thing.
The scary thing is, he seems to want me around too. Which means that either he genuinely enjoys my company, and doesn't want to loose a great friendship (which I think is what we'll have by the end of the year, if we don't already have one), or he just thinks I'm sexually attractive as well, and is hoping to score some.
But what if it's both?
What if, he likes me....inside and out? What happens then?
Okay, so this is my first entry into this journal thingy....still not quite sure how this works out, but I'm sure I'll have it all sorted within the hour. Ummmm...if anyone's reading this, hello to you. I go by many names, but my birth name is Maegan....uhhh, I'm trying to find my friend and see if he wants to mentor me, but hey, if you're interested then send me an invite or message or something.
Well, that's enough talk for now.....adieu!