Lost, lost in the depths of my sorrow, wishing I could touch her just once more, kiss her cheek,smile at her and tell her I love her, it gives me some comfort knowing she passed on in peace but the selfish side of me still wants her to be here with me and my family. I miss her so greatly I sometimes wonder how I ever go on, how I never will be able to pick up the phone and talk to her again or go and sit with her and just tell her my lifes woes. It breaks my spirit everytime I think of not being able to do these things no longer and to look into my grandfathers sad eyes and hear him sob because his life and love is now gone, hear of his dreams of not being able to find her, his pain and misery is so fresh I just wrap my arms around him and hold him closely and tell him how I love him......I will never again take someone for granted you never know when they may depart and then you will wish you spent more time with them.