For some of you who are new to being my friends, or people just interested. Here is a list of things to and not to do for biting.
Please do not bite me if...
You are not interested in friendship.
You have the conversation skills of a toddler
Or the personality of a wet rag.
Please do bite if...
You have funny jokes or great puns
Or want to just chat in an actual conversation.
Not biting in a message can seem confusing, but here's my simple view on it.
By biting me, that is your form of hello. Therefore when I answer back hi, hello, hey, ect. Therefore please do not reply to my hey with anther hey. You bite me, you have to get the conversation rolling.
Also, if you're first question is 'are u single'. (Usually spelled like that) please just leave my life.
Ok so do we all understand now? Thank you and happy bitings!