Another life lost,
another soul left,
another smile faded,
another death,
you were cheery,
so and happy,
you always made me luagh,
all day long,
it is hard to belive,
your really gone,
your gone forever,
never to return,
i will meet you someday,
and for that day I yern,
I will miss you dearly,
forever and ever,
your wit,
your love,
you were so clever.
To My Late Aunt Amanda.
From Your Beluved Niece.
The heart wants what the heart can't have,
the heart breaks when the want is gone,
the heart bleeds when it is cut,
the heart ackes when it is broke,
the heart is the source of pain,
and the heart is selfish,
the heart is greedy,
the heart,
only loves the heart.
Just as i always imagened,
you saved me from myself,
you take me to a state of complete happiness,
you are my angle.
Over and over again I replay the words that you said
the word that brought me to you,
the words that helped me find,
you are my safe haven.
Such a deal of luck to have you in my life,
when you came into my life,
the clouds opened up wider than ever before,
you are my sun.
Here with you now,
I know you will keep me safe,
I am loved always and forever,
you are my everything.