People say life is a gift. and to most it is,the rich, the famous, the lucky, and the spoiled.To the rest of us, it is a cruse, a struggle, a constant burden, survival of the fitest.It is said,a girl must work twice as hard, just to be half as good as a boy,
that is my motive for life.
I will prove that I am just as good as any man,
so to those who don't belive me, i have four choise words for you, no one asked you.
01:43 Jul 14 2009
go for it believe and you can achieve all your dreams and anything you put your mind to
13:26 Jul 31 2009
Go girl! That's what i do, i test the guys down here to see if they're fucking man enough to be freakin well, men......they all act liek they're spoiled rotten bitches down here especially at my school.