Today I found an old friend on Facebook. Me and him were so tight 3 years ago, we had been friends forever. He is 16 now, he just turned it. Him and his girlfriend were always the cutest couple. We fell out of contact when he transferred schools and I started soccer. I found him again today and saw a baby on his profile picture. I found out it was his. I am not sure how to feel...though I am sad that he through away his AMAZING art talent to get a job with his father (who he hates), but I am so proud of him for stepping up like a man to take care of his girlfriend and his baby. I just felt like sharing.
I finally think I understand why I do one of the worst habits I have...
I have a very bad habit of scratching at any sort of bites (mosquito, spider, or anything else) until they bleed and scab over. Then I tend to pick and pick and pick at the scabs until it can't be picked at anymore. That then leaves a scar. I have realized that the more like shit I feel the more I pick at the scabs until they leave scars. Scars in my mind I deserve for everything. How much of a fuck up I am. How much of an awful person I am. No matter how hard I try I just doesn't seem to ever do a damn thing right, so I deserve the scars I inflect. Even the smallest of them.
19:34 Jun 27 2012
Thats definitely being a Man :)he is gunna be a very good father :)