I felt his cold breath,
Like snow flakes on the back of my neck,
His voice echoed in my ear,
His hand hand traces my neck,
His touch firm,
But gentel,
He slide his hands down my body,
To wrap his arms around my waist,
He pulls me close,
Holds me tight,
His front is pressed to my back,
He whispers in my ear,
"One last breath,
Before your death",
My face is calm,
His eyes are cold,
He fangs sharp,
His slowly kisses my neck,
THen suddnly,
He bites,
I scream,
I can feel the blood getting forced from my body,
Into his,
It gose dark,
Then I awake.
It gose dark,
Then I awke,
My skins cold,
My eyes hard,
I see everything,
I hear nothing,
I see far,
And I know your near,
I wait,
I feel strong,
And I know I am fast,
I smell the sweet scent,
It calls to me,
I need to tasete it,
It controls me,
I dash,
To find the source,
At the end of the scents path,
I see a boy,
I want his blood,
But I can't,
Befroe I know it,
I have periced his neck with my fangs,
I am drinking him dry,
I finish and drop him,
He looks pale,
He is dead,
What have I done?
His is dead,
What have i done?
His face,
Still haunts my thoughts,
I haven't feed in three days,
My bodys weak,
My speed is gone,
i cough,
What little of it I have left,
Comes up,
I know the end is near,
I welcome it,
I can't spend the rest of my time,
Feeding off of others,
Seeing his face when I sleep,
When I close my eyes,
His face,
So innocent,
So cold,
I need the blood,
But i refuse to drink,
I blink slowly,
i feel tired,
My blood is gone,
My viens are dry,
My heart stops,
Is the real death.
Just when i needed you,
You weren't there,
I take the blame of my actions,
I know i hurt more than just me,But,
If you hadn't left,
You could have forseen,
You knoe me better than I know myself sometimes,
You know I am strong,
But inside I am weak,
You know what I can handle,
Just how much I can take,
But at the end of my rope,
When i am about to break,
Your there when I am stable,
Just when I needed you,
When I am about to crack and crumble,
You weren't there,
And now I deal with what I have done to myself,
And the reaction by others,
All i wish,
Is that you could have been there,
To pick up the pieces,
To help me threw it,
To stop me.
I cry my tears,
don't let you see,
I hide my fears,
from even me,
i stand so strong,
but inside i am weak,
i play along,
and let no fear leak,
stress piles on,
one after another,
weather it be my nephew gone,
or missing my brother,
i put on my mask,
hide my emotion,
task after task,
motion after motion,
i am happy,
i am sad,
i am scared,
i am mad,
but all you see,
is the fake smile,
but on the inside of me,
i've been dead for a while.