I have two main problems with Easter....
1- since when do bunnys lay eggs? and rainbowed eggs for that matter. what the fuck do bunnys have to so with eggs?
2-what dose giant bunnys, laying rainbow eggs, and hidding them have to do with jessus's reserection? what, when someone said jessus was comeing back, someelse yelled
"Jessus is comeing back from the dead, quick, hide the eggs!"
Easter is a card holday!
Spring break day 3, supose to be at least warmish. Not in Michigan! We just got 3 inches of Snow.! That is right, fuckin' snow. I can't get away from it! I want to live somewhere sunny, I can't stand the white walls of my room anymore! I'm going fuckin' crazy! well, crazyer. But the point is, It is April, now December! though you wouldn't be able to tell if you were up here! God Damn it! Snow fuckin' sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >: (
i agree pennsylvania is the same way
01:45 Jul 14 2009
rabbits and eggs is pegan because way back when they were almost one religion such as a christmas tree and so on
13:22 Jul 31 2009
Agreed again, that is funny shit......especially with how tiredly hyper i am.